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Cool the atmosphere through atmospheric escape of hydrogen
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Several political and academic figureheads have put forth the notion that the overall atmospheric temperature is steadily rising due to human activity, and that the Earth will be shortly uninhabitable if Government does not institute Draconian conservation measures and embark on outlandish public works projects. In this regard, I am proposing that we cool the Earth by releasing hydrogen gas produced from the electrolysis of water into the upper stratosphere. Because hydrogen is less dense than air, it will leave the earth via atmospheric escape, carrying any heat it has with it.

This all works best if the hydrogen has as much thermal energy as possible when it dissipates into the void. If the gas is simply released at the surface and allowed to rise naturally in the atmosphere, it will exit the atmosphere at whatever the ambient temperature is up there. In addition, it could be oxidized and be trapped as water. Therefore, this method is only made practical by the use of a 60-mile-high, insulated pipe that empties above the atmosphere, the construction of which is outside the scope of this idea. The hydrogen is heated in the base of the pipe and then pumped upwards at incredible pressure to maximize the amount of gas that is dispersed.

Cuit_au_Four, Aug 27 2010

Semi redundant. The reasons this idea won't work are in these annos. Carbon_20Chimney
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Aug 29 2010]


       Won't those same academic figureheads have something to say about the loss of essential hydrogen from the Earth's precious resource pool?   

       Heating the hydrogen and pumping it will consume energy, and those same academic figureheads might have something to say about the net global warming effect of that consumption.   

       Why bother pumping it? A chimney 60 miles high open to the vacuum of space should have some draw.
Tulaine, Aug 27 2010

       //A chimney 60 miles high open to the vacuum of space should have some draw// Are you sure?
mouseposture, Aug 28 2010

       Why would it draw much different than the atmosphere's outer edges?
normzone, Aug 28 2010

       If we're wanting this stuff to rise up out of the atmosphere, would it not make more sense to heat a vacuum and then let it go?
MaxwellBuchanan, Aug 28 2010

       I dont trust the scientists. Heres my totally wacky scientific proposal.(-) also it's not even trying to make sense that makes this make no sense.
WcW, Aug 29 2010

       //the construction of which is outside the scope of this idea. //   

8th of 7, Aug 29 2010

       <the dawn of understanding now creeps silently into GROG's psyche, which he promptly pushes aside in favor of thoughts about football, but not before he ekes ( thanks, [mouse]!) out the following:>   

       As I ponder what may be possible, and what is spectacularly improbable, I find this idea in the latter category, right next to the chances that my favorite football team will win it all this season...   

       <walks away, mumbling>
Grogster, Aug 29 2010

       [Grogster]//eeks// sp. ekes.
mouseposture, Aug 29 2010


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