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Dontinterruptmedamnit amplifier

I hate people talking when I'm interrupting
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I would like a microphone and speaker to effortlessly raise the volume of my voice if someone interrupts me. If they have it too it can become an interresting game. Alternatively, an LED numerical display could show, from one to ten, how anxous I am to talk at the moment.
Voice, Nov 27 2008


       _..._ ...,,.._ _.,._ .. ___ .,.. _,,_. !
po, Nov 27 2008

       I know this bartender who always whispers. Crowded bar, loud music and everybody hears what he says. He looks at you like what he is going to say is very important and has to be obeyed at all cost, your life depends on it. People strain to listen to him and don't talk back.   

       He wouldn't need this non-invention.
zeno, Nov 27 2008

       I so could have done with this last night when I spent the evening being talked at by a man with the worst case of verbal diahorrea I've ever heard.
wagster, Nov 27 2008

       Ah!, the Perils of Provincial Irish Pubs, Wags!
gnomethang, Nov 27 2008

       //talked at// how do you tell someone who does this, that they do this?   

       Can someone who does this ever be cured? Or is the reason they tend to manifest by themselves in pubs due to the fact that only the inebriated will tolerate them?   

       In which case, wouldn't it be a form of kindness to explain to them early on in life that they should be aware of, and subsequently mend, their ways?
zen_tom, Nov 27 2008

       //I would like a microphone and speaker to effortlessly raise the volume of my voice if someone interrupts me.//
I'm slightly perplexed at the implication that you aren't already able to do this without the proposed invention.
calum, Nov 27 2008

       sp. too
pertinax, Nov 27 2008

       [wags] didn't say he was in a pub. In fact, it's in pubs where you can finally tell those types how you really feel. Anyways, the idea is an invention, but //effortlessly// almost brings magic around. Even turning a dial is a bit of effort.
daseva, Nov 28 2008

       correct [daseva], I am only guessing
gnomethang, Nov 28 2008

       A good guess, too, I would guess..   

       The author should consider something along the lines of software to analyze competing volumes and adjust the speaker volume accordingly, to avoid the magic tag. That is, please [Voice], a little more detail.
daseva, Nov 28 2008

       I dunno, kinda baked here in the U.S. by all manner of news channel talk show hosts and "round-tablers".
Noexit, Nov 28 2008

       how does that work?
po, Nov 28 2008

       You turn on the tv.
zeno, Nov 30 2008


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