Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Doggy Disneyland

Amusement Park Caters to Canines
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An amusement park for dogs will be designed to make your puppers happy, by catering to their special needs and preferences.

There will be niche specialty areas catering to all kinds of doggy preferences.

Fields to run around in, with automated ball-throwing machines.

AI-automated pooper-scooper robots.

Even areas where snow machines will spread artificial snow.

And there will be doggy treat kiosks everywhere.

One secret of Doggy Disneyland's business model is that it will be gathering data on dogs and their preferences. Money will be made on the sale of this Big Data to product marketers.

Dog visitors will be chipped and thus trackable throughout the amusement park, for data-gathering purposes.

Doggy Disneyland will thus become the playground and testing ground for all kinds of doggy amusement products.

sanman, Dec 30 2024

Dogs would be all about it. https://www.youtube...watch?v=B6BwZ-4yumM
[doctorremulac3, Dec 30 2024]


       Nice! [+]
doctorremulac3, Dec 30 2024

       A long road with lamp posts every meter, a doggy buffet, a place to play with kids, a frisbee dispenser, a hallway of affirmation where there are toys and speakers that say nothing but "good boy" and "good girl"
Voice, Dec 30 2024


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