Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Directive For The Day Coffee Mugs

Today I've got taxes, financial statements to deal with and general not fun biz stuff, black "Task Blaster" mug.
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Different from those life cheerleading mugs that say stuff like "You're good enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn it people like me!" (which is total bullshit)

These help your waking brain get into the general mindset for the tasks of the day with some specificity.

Taxes? The black mug. Financial not fun stuff. Says "So it ain't fun? Just get it done!"

Exercise day? The red mug. Running, lifting weights, boxing, swimming. "Ignite the warrior within! It's power day, so let's begin!"

Family day? The green mug. "The payoff day for all you do, the ones you love spend time with you."

Friends day? The multi color mug. "Don't be a pussy, bitch or punk, let's all go out, and get real drunk!"

Surf day? The blue mug. "You put all of your cares to rest, and hit the waves to do your best."

Work day? The grey mug. "Shit, work day. Ugh!" (just kidding)

doctorremulac3, Feb 04 2024

Perfect mug for this idea https://www.pauligg...-muki-now-available
[a1, Feb 05 2024]

Engineer - The Fun Kind https://www.bing.co...F6704A03475819183F4
[a1, Feb 05 2024]


       [+] This is a good one.   

       To keep it from being too limited, the messages on a single mug could be changeable via a thin film LCD, activated and powered by heat when you add coffee. An embedded bluetooth or wifi transceiver could link it to your computer or smartphone to see what's on your calendar, to decide what the message of the day should be.
a1, Feb 04 2024

       Thank you a1
doctorremulac3, Feb 04 2024

       Sigh. I thought the changeable display idea was clever and was going to expand on that myself - but it's been done.   

       The linked smart mug would be perfect for your daily directives.
a1, Feb 05 2024

       Sorry, didn't clarify it, this is a set of mugs that don't change. You pick the one that's appropriate.   

       I wouldn't want a mug suprising me with random instructions for the day. If I felt like going surfing and it told me to do my taxes that thing's going in the garbage.   

       So the changing message telling you what to do is still available. I might do a twist on that where it reads your fortune for the day, like showing a tarot card or something. "Today you'll play the lottery, and be a rich retiree." Those might be fun for about a month or two until the people following the random advice end up living in a cardboard box. Although I think the way fortune telling works is they just give you generic good advice. Anyway, I woudn't want one.
doctorremulac3, Feb 05 2024

       To each his own. To me a fixed set of mugs would seem limiting. Have to grab the right mug for the day out of the cupboard. The changeable messages wouldn't be "random" but instead synced to your calendar on some other device.   

       Also, a fixed set of messages would be too easily ripped off to be profitable. Even if you had a distinct theme protected by trademark - places with cheap manufacturing and no respect for intellectual property rights would flood the market with copies.
a1, Feb 05 2024

       Well, poems are intellectual property, even short ones.   

       But if this were to be a money making thing, the patentable idea might be to have a website that walks you through your typical monthly tasks and prints out a whole set of mugs customized to you.   

       For instance an engineer like me isn't gonna want the same set of mugs as a brain surgeon or airline pilot.   

       Be a great AI task, it just talks to you about your life, you upload a typical task calander and it customizes your set for you. I might actually do that if it were available.   

       But I'd have them be more fun stuff oriented than daily grind. I'd buy the surfing, party, family, exercise mugs. The taxes and work... eh, not so much.
doctorremulac3, Feb 05 2024

       // an engineer like me //   

       ... needs a mug picturing a train, with a slogan like "Blow The Whistle!"
a1, Feb 05 2024

       Not the fun kind.
doctorremulac3, Feb 05 2024

       the fun kind - link should cheer you up.
a1, Feb 05 2024


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