Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Degaussing Homing Missiles

Corrupt a Missiles capability to follow / remote detonate
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I dont think this exists, but it might. In the same way that strong Magnets can corrupt Computer Hard Drives, would it be possible to get a powerful magnet to destroy its ability to have controlled movement? Or even an explosives Remove Control ability?
gonaldgoose, Oct 02 2024

EMP fact sheet https://doh.wa.gov/...090_elecpuls_fs.pdf
[Voice, Oct 03 2024]

Monitor Degaussing https://www.youtube...watch?v=PjO2vVaxIWM
Experience (once again?) the satisfaction from a really good degaussing. [zen_tom, Oct 03 2024]


       Is degaussing really what we're talking about? Wikipedia tells me that degaussing is the process of decreasing or eliminating a magnetic field. Which magnetic field are you going to reduce that will stop a missile from homing?
pertinax, Oct 03 2024

       Just add smoke and mirrors.
xenzag, Oct 03 2024

       //Is degaussing really what we're talking about?//   

       My exposure to the word "degauss" comes from old CRT monitors from the 90s. There used to be a button among the controls/settings mysteriously labelled "degauss" which would send a satisfyingly solid "chunggggg" pulse through the screen, which would react by wobbling about a bit. I *think* the problem it was there to solve was a tendency for something to magnetise, resulting in slowly spreading coloured spots to migrate into the screen from one corner or other, and the degauss button was supposed to somehow counteract that.
zen_tom, Oct 03 2024

       Well, if none of those screens was hit by a missile, this idea must be sound. It stands to reason. Then it sits down again, because it's a bit tired.
pertinax, Oct 03 2024


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