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Dance Communication Inspired By What Bees Do

Dance moves communicate ideas to tell a story without words.
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Some sign language could be used, but a series of dance moves would be learned by performers and audiences to tell short stories simply through motion, similar to how bees communicate.

We already do a lot of non-verbal communication, this would take it to the next step. Call it "dance-com", "dance-speak" or something.

It would be interesting to watch an audience reaction if you didn't speak dance code. "Why are they laughing? Why did they just all say Awwwww. Why did they just start booing and hissing?"

doctorremulac3, Aug 05 2024

Make sure they're not doing moves like this. https://www.youtube...watch?v=w8_UH_XzNy8
[doctorremulac3, Aug 05 2024]


       Like mime, but even more so?
neutrinos_shadow, Aug 05 2024

       Yes, this would be a very windy, smelly, infra-UV-visual performance!   

       From my limited 22-year experience with several Bee populations in my gardens, BeeSpeak appears to be highly situational, and may be hard to learn without also having access to complete data about the environment surrounding the dance.   

       For example, bees give people 'names'--Bees dance around me in a specific way, which appears to alter slightly depending on which garden I am in, what I am wearing/holding, the time of day, perhaps my mood or what I ate, the weather surrounding us. My 'name' is so distinct that others who have witnessed it say it looks like Bee is doing a 3D rendering to make sure it's me before continuing its path near me around the garden plantings. And that's only a name; what else is in that communication?!
Sgt Teacup, Aug 05 2024

       Gotta watch them bees. Make sure they're not talkin' smack like Bender here. (link)
doctorremulac3, Aug 05 2024

       At a previous employer I asked a question via email, and requested replies, while giving the option of coming by my office and replying via interpretive dance. One fellow did so, quite amusing.
normzone, Aug 06 2024


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