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Culinary Taxidermy

A course that fuses culinary art with the fascinating world of taxidermy.
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You will study an array of subjects from skinning, butchery, tanning, cooking and mounting of seafood, poultry and meats. Imagine your guests feasting their eyes on a realistically posed mallard before plucking it to consume a crispy roast duck. They will pause to admire the elegantly mounted trout before devouring its herbed fillets. The highpoint of the course is the preparation of an antlered deer bust concealing a tender shoulder of venison.
FarmerJohn, Sep 17 2002

Culinary Taxonomy http://www.halfbake...Culinary_20Taxonomy
my inspiration [FarmerJohn, Sep 17 2002, last modified Oct 17 2004]

(?) Recursive stuffing http://www.winedine...uk/page.php?cid=273
There's mention of swans, geese, and "a tiny surprise" [sild]

Eyeballs http://www.bodytek.com/Eyeballs.jpg
big brother is watching [sild, Sep 17 2002, last modified Oct 21 2004]

Eyeballs http://www.bodytek.com/Eyeballs.jpg
big brother is watching [FarmerJohn, Sep 17 2002, last modified Oct 17 2004]

(?) Recipe for stuffed camel http://www.watb.net...ecipes/apr_99.shtml
"A pre-prepared camel is easier. Don't be afraid to ask your butcher." [General Washington, Sep 18 2002, last modified Oct 21 2004]


       I once read of a dish where a sparrow is inserted into a quail, and then the quail is inserted into a pigeon or something, then this into a chicken, then into a turkey. I'm not sure of the exact sequence, but it was a lot of birds. Once the resulting Russian-doll type arrangement is cooked and carved, some slices contain a ring of each bird.   

       I believe this was an English phenomenon, unsurprisingly. Will look for a link...
sild, Sep 17 2002

       // a sparrow is inserted into a quail, and then the quail is inserted into a pigeon or something, then this into a chicken, then into a turkey //   

       One presumes the poultry involved are deceased by the time this process is attempted - otherwise I expect the stuffing process to be very noisy and involve a great deal of force with great potential for personal injury, especially when the "ostrich" stage (only ever attempted by Stuffing Grand Masters in full plate armour) is reached.   

       I believe some institutions in the UK retain the singular honour of being permitted to serve Swan at certain banquets.   

       Croissant for the idea by the way, FJ.
8th of 7, Sep 17 2002

       There's a swan on the floor outside my office. The porters are all gathered around it feeding it bread. Someone has called the RSPCB.
Zircon, Sep 17 2002

       I think this is a fantastic idea!   

       Especially for vegetarians!   

       They could be taught to say stuff a carrot, with say, er, carrot to make it look like a carrot! Imagine people's surprise when they end up with a plate with fully cooked and amazingly lifelike vegetables on their plates!
Captain Jellyfish, Sep 17 2002

       Alternatively you could stuff a carrot with red hot jalapenos, just to see if anybody notices.   

       BTW, isn't this baked? People already stuff food with other food (and then sometimes bake it). I'm sure I've eaten some funny sage and onion concoction in my recent past when tucking into roast bird.
PeterSilly, Sep 17 2002

       Don't be silly, this isn't like a plucked, roasted turkey full of bread, onions, etc. This is an unfortunate animal's skin and feathers/fur, mounted in a dramatic pose, and stuffed to its glass eyeballs with its own cooked meat.
FarmerJohn, Sep 17 2002

       Maybe it's just me, but I've always thought carrots would look better with glass eyeballs.
Captain Jellyfish, Sep 17 2002

       Ah, I see. That'll teach me to read the idea rather than just the annotations then! My original anno will be deleted if required...   

       Would this work for bread products?
PeterSilly, Sep 18 2002

       "..Once the resulting Russian-doll type arrangement is cooked and carved, some slices contain a ring of each bird.." next to the parson's nose, presumably.
pfperry, Sep 18 2002

       Kentucky Fried OstrichSwanTurkeyChickenPigeonQuailSparrowBluetitHummingbird, anyone ? Anyone want a microgramme of Sage and Onion stuffung ?   

       Australians, please substitute "Emu" for "Ostrich"
8th of 7, Sep 18 2002

       I think the bedouin hold the field with (stuffed camel (stuffed goat (stuffed lamb (2 stuffed chickens (boiled eggs))))) [link].
General Washington, Sep 18 2002

       Welcome to McDonalds. Would you like your Cow-On-A-Bun skinned or not?
BinaryCookies, Sep 18 2002

       You see that stuffed deer in the middle of the table? We're eating it.   

       Would we be so quick to eat our animal brothers if they were staring us in the eye? (albeit with fake glass eyes) Pleading doey eyes that seem to say: "How can you eat me? What have I ever done to you?"   

       I know I would. Probably more so. Make me feel guilty will ya? Down the hatch with ya Bamby.
doctorremulac3, Sep 17 2010

       of course.
FlyingToaster, Sep 18 2010


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