Tell me all the things you would change
I dont pretend to know if it's good
'Til you anno my new idea
Give me a bun, give me a pun
I'll listen to you if you moan
I am not afraid of your bone
I just hope you're not the one
To [m-f-d] me, [m-f-d] me
When they read
through what we wrote
Then they'll give us their votes
The crust from a tasty bun
Or just fishboned by everyone
It's an idea, not just a wish
You're learning what's halfbak'ryish
Wise enough to cope with the fish
It isnt a crime, there's always next time
Easy to forget what you learn
Waiting for the muse to return
Seeing your ideas burn
As they're fishboned again
When they read through what we wrote
Then they'll give us their votes
The crust from a tasty bun
Or just fishboned by everyone
And I'm 'baking my idea
Writing it for fun
Wait for comments or just annos full of puns
I don't pretend to know if it's good
But I hope for buns
And when they've read what we wrote
Then they'll give us their votes
The crust from a tasty bun
Or just fishboned by everyone