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Cosmic ray protection

...requires a detailed, rigorous mathematical model and calculations
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I submitted an idea to the linked Innocentive challenge for a system to protect vs cosmic rays. In short my scheme involves tiny long coils (like a low note piano string) positioned with the long axis parallel to the ship interior. The premise is that incoming charged particles will induce a current in the coil, and the current produce a magnetic field which will repel the particle. So the energy to deflect the particle is tapped from the particle. A second interior layer of similar coils is triggered by detection of current in the outer layer (from a particle). The relevant interior coils are charged by a capacitor discharge to further repel the incoming particle.

I gather the Seekers got sick of reading loosey goosy handwaving like this and so stipulated their need for rigorous math(s). But loosey goosey is all I got.

Any one capable of doing the math is hereby invited to either 1: steal this idea wholesale and I will never know 2: form a team with me and attach the math, and I will split any winnings 99% / 1% with me taking the 1%.

Idea is too fun not to bandy about in this format, math or no. People with math capability can email me if desired.

bungston, May 28 2015

Cosmic ray challenge https://www.innocen...r/challenge/9933638
Bring out your math! Bring out your math! [bungston, May 28 2015]


       What you seem to be proposing is very paradoxical. The charged particle needs to be deflected from near the speed of light, your induction system will not act fast enough or remain energized long enough to have any significant impact. I believe that you are mistaking the relative size of the field where charge interactions occur. to have any significant field impact the nucleus would have to come very near another nucleus, I suspect it would need to come so near that nuclear interactions would be as or more common than field interactions.
WcW, May 28 2015

       for instance a sheet of carbon lattice would have a relatively good chance of having a field interaction, but even many many layers you are still unlikely to have any interaction at all nuclear or field, and nuclear interactions would still be the vast majority of any energy communicated.
WcW, May 28 2015

       /I suspect/ I suspect that it was for this reason the Seekers asked for math. It is not in dispute that a magnetic field can deflect a charged particle, even a very small one. You can't dodge thru a magnetic field. It is not in dispute that a moving charge can induce a magnetic field.   

       But you may be right, WCW about the size of the field associated with a particle as regards the chances of making it do work or even of detecting it. The charged field must be larger than the particle but I do not know how much larger it is.   

       If a moving charged field does induce a magnetic field and opposing charged field, I think that happens fast but I am not sure how fast. Instantaneously?   

       Also you may be right about the speed with which the capacitor can discharge and produce a repulsive magnetic field. Electrical current moves close to the speed of light, I understand. Cosmic rays can move close to the speed of light but most of them are slower than that. {waves hands, cannot produce math}
bungston, May 29 2015

       // The premise is that incoming charged particles will induce a current in the coil, and the current produce a magnetic field which will repel the particle. So the energy to deflect the particle is tapped from the particle. //   

       This can't work for the same reason magnetic brakes are less effective at low speeds…   

       // A second interior layer of similar coils is triggered by detection of current in the outer layer (from a particle). The relevant interior coils are charged by a capacitor discharge to further repel the incoming particle. //   

       Oh. That's OK then. But your trigger system will need to be really sensitive and REALLY fast.   

       New idea: Detect incoming cosmic rays with radar and destroy them with a femtosecond laser. Those can deliver high enough energy density to break molecules apart and strip electrons from atoms. Again you'll need a really fast triggering and aiming system.
notexactly, Jun 13 2015

       What is that battleship protection system that shoots down incoming missiles with bullets? AEGIS? AENUS? Something like that.   

       These alpha particle cosmic rays are already stripped pretty naked is my understanding. Can you cause something to change direction by shooting it with a laser? Lasers heat things up (and cool things down?) but I do not think they deliver any oomph. If I have got to have a spacefaring particle traverse my innards I do not want to heat it up first!   

       As re the prospects for the math needed for this challenge I will content myself with the thought that some calculus enabled lurker has seen the (vast) potential,adopted it and will raise it as his own.
bungston, Jun 13 2015


       I'm not going to say it.   

       Anyway, wasn't he the cop in the Dukes of Hazzard? Don't tell me he's moonlighting...
not_morrison_rm, Jun 13 2015


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