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Copper handrails on public transport

Reduces colds and flu infection
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Colds, flu, and other germy infections.

I caught a cold a week ago. I travel on public transport a lot, and I think that over the years that through exposure, I’ve built up a reasonable immune system. But I was on a train that served one of our international airports, and I probably found a strain that I hadn’t come across before.

I know that handwashing kills most pathogens, but who has the time to do that after every train journey?

Handrails, doorhandles and other hard surfaces on public transport could easily be made of copper.

“studies have shown” (i’ll find a link) that copper door handles in hospitals and health centres could significantly reduce cross-contamination.

So do it on tube trains, buses etc. and fewer people get ill.

Frankx, Sep 26 2019

Copper door handles kill nasty bugs https://www.southam...ling-superbugs.page
Southampton University have done extensive research: Hospital trials show copper door handles etc. kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses in minutes [Frankx, Sep 27 2019]

Rapid_20Handrail solved! [xenzag, Sep 27 2019]

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       Brass is what you want, I think. Lasts longer than copper and, in some formulations, doesn't tarnish as easily.   

       Plus, copper'll be pinched the moment your back's turned.
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 26 2019

       ... said the man whos family derives substantial income from a flourishing scrap non-ferrous metal business.   

       Why not just run some thin plastic pipework along the ceiling with occasional spray nozzles, and constantly mist the areas with suitable biocides, such as chlorophenols ?
8th of 7, Sep 26 2019

       I think your heart was in the right place. Don't let these naysayers put you off. +
blissmiss, Sep 26 2019

       Hey [Ian], how are the anger management sessions going with the new therapist ?   

       Is the previous one out of hospital yet ?
8th of 7, Sep 27 2019

       Whoooasie. Somebody fell out of the bed on the wrong side today...yikes, Mr. T. I won't be caught dead leaning on nothing if I ever do get to your side of the Atlantic. Yikes, indeed.
blissmiss, Sep 27 2019

       + for the ensuing discussion
pashute, Sep 27 2019

       + for [Ian]'s grumble about lazy tube passengers. As any Londoner knows, the only way to stand on a crowded tube is in the middle of the carriage, not holding onto anything, casually demonstrating your superb balancing skills while the train speeds along and you read your book or look at your phone, making out that it's no effort at all to maintain your balance and that you are a superhuman tube ninja.
hippo, Sep 27 2019

       I do that! (believe it or not) I watched as many did exactly similar in Japan especially on the Yamanote line. Being suitably impressed, I decided to have a go. It was hard at first, but now I really enjoy the challenge, and will choose to stand even when there are seats, especially in the New York subway. I've never seen anyone else doing this outside of Tokyo, but maybe it's common in London and in some other places? In the UK people are so fat now that their giant bellies should provide for a lower centre of gravity, making the task much easier. American's tiny brains, combined with their greater belly mass than even UK citizens should have the effect of lowering their centres of gravity to an even lower level again, so they should have no problem whatsover. (ha) It could become a new balancing while moving craze.
xenzag, Sep 27 2019

       [Ian] reminded me, why does the handrail and the actual steps go at different speeds?
po, Sep 27 2019

       HA - I used that flaw to solve a long standing problem on the Tube and in return got invited unto the BBC's genius programme. (see link)
xenzag, Sep 27 2019

       :) its not solved though, is it?
po, Sep 27 2019

       It would be solved instantly if only they initiated Rapid Handrail.
xenzag, Sep 27 2019

       Copper, and more practically brass is, as mentioned, what you want. All this plastic or stainless steel nonsense is a downgrade in all regards. For extra benefit, consider heating to 45+°C, it will have a dessication effect and even if something can live happily at those temperatures it's unlikely to also be a viable human pathogen.
bs0u0155, Sep 27 2019

       This suggests that there may be a market for a Personal Hygiene Flamethrower, allowing the user to sterilize suspect surfaces with a cleansing kiss of purifying flame prior to physical contact.   

       <Decides to watch DVD of Species again, particularly the lab scene where Ben Kingsley nearly incinerates two of his team members/>
8th of 7, Sep 27 2019

       If you want to stop diseases being spread by contact with germ-ridden handrails, just get rid of all the handrails
hippo, Sep 27 2019

       ... or the hands ... ?
8th of 7, Sep 27 2019

       This is one of those ideas that I knew I'd bun as soon as I saw the title.   

       // I do that! //   

       Me too! But it's pretty rare here in Calgary. I think I've only ever seen two other people doing it. That reminds me—I came up with an idea related to it a few years ago that I should post.
notexactly, Sep 28 2019

       Could it be turned into a competetive sport ?   

       It would work best on aircraft ; "During turbulence, and with a minimum blood alcohol content of <X> , walk from one end of the aisle to the other without touching any part of the structure other than the floor".
8th of 7, Sep 28 2019

       That related idea I mentioned was a kind of competition, actually. But it wasn't quite the kind of competition you described.
notexactly, Sep 28 2019

       Copper has a tendency to get stolen and sold for scrap.
RayfordSteele, Sep 28 2019

       //sold for scrap// Aye, maybe. But mostly if it’s trackside. Things like signalling cables and traction current. They get stolen with a hilarious regularity, given tha (in some cases) they’re carrying safety-critical or high-voltage electrowiggles.   

       Handrails on a train are probably not likely to be nicked. Much.   

       Also, the copper is just the surface, could be steel underneath.   

       But the buggers nicking it wouldn’t necessarily know that... ho hum.
Frankx, Sep 30 2019

       //safety-critical or high-voltage electrowiggles...Handrails on a train are probably not likely to be nicked. Much.// Why not simply electrify the handrails?
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 30 2019

       Oh yes, that’s brilliant! Thanks [MB]
Frankx, Sep 30 2019


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