Simple. If you commit a crime, you get shipped off to a poor or developing country. Your home and possesions are left. A random person from that country gets shipped off to live with your money and stuff.
You get punished, they get helped out.
And then if they commit a crime, they get switched
with some other random person! Convicts get chosen only after everybody else is out, or sick, or dead, or they refuse to go, or whatever. Which could take a while.
Of course you get due process of law, and shoplifting won't get you this punishment, but if you do it a lot, you realize just how lucky you were, and how stupid you were to steal.
And you have to have a schooling program to teach foreigners English or whatever language the country who uses this program speaks primarily.
The thing is, people do survive without all the things we take for granted. And we abuse what we have. (not everybody, but if you're innocent then you can keep what you have).