It's not uncommon for people to a beverage in a pitcher, with ice to keep that beverage cool.
To minimize the rate at which said beverage absorbs heat from it's environment (and gets diluted by the ice), it's preferable to use an insulated pitcher.
To maximize aesthetics, it's preferable to use
a clear pitcher, typically of glass, crystal, or acrylic.
To provide both of these characteristics, I propose making a serving pitcher out of low thermal expansion glass (aka Pyrex glass), in the form of a Dewar flask (aka a thermos).
To reduce infrared heat loss, the side of the glass facing the vacuum would have a thin coating which is transparent to visible light, but reflective with respect to infrared light.
Ideally, the glass would be thick and sturdy enough in and off itself to not need a protective plastic shell, the way common glass vacuum containers do.
Naturally, the pitcher would have a lid constructed in a similar manner.