Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Chin Stroking Appendage

i'm thinking hawaiian
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Upon entering places of grave speculation, such as car yards, art galleries, women's underwear stores etc, it is quite usually an unspoken requirement that you stroll about stoking your chin. This can become tiring, not to mention a waste of hand and chin space, especially if you aren't actually considering buying a painting, car or brassiere etc.

Enter the prosthetic chin stroker - a device to which can overcome these concerns and give you that edge of culture and wealth you may very well have been waiting for.

This contraption is best worn under your suit, fastened securely about your waist and chest area with a leather strap. A retractable robotic hand/arm protrudes from between your lapels and the fingers grip your chin. With a quick flick of a switch to the battery pack attached to your belt, the fingers begin stroking, tapping and generally caressing your chin as if you were in deep contemplation. Now and then a raising of the eyebrows, or a subtle glance to the heavens will complete your faux-musings.

Your other hands need not be disguised at all, they can do as they please - whether sipping on a red wine during a conversation at an art gallery opening where you need to seem interested, or feeling the leather interior of a prospective new porsche.

The retractable feature is perfect for when someone comes to you with an interesting decision eg shall we order the supreme or hawaiian pizza? - tap the 'on' switch and the appendage shoots up from under your jacket, straight to your chin and begins to stroke away as your eyes dart about the room.

benfrost, Dec 22 2004

Double chin stroking help http://www.bodybuil...leuprightrowbig.jpg
Here we see a demonstration of the double lift chin stroke device, before outer garments are applied. [skinflaps, Dec 22 2004]

Well he's got a double chin and I think he's having a stroke. http://www.spiriton.../doublechinweb.html
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Dec 23 2004]

from chin to trigger http://www.benfrost...S\HBchinstroker.htm
moriarty never expected a gun to appear from there [benfrost, Mar 14 2005]


       I would *love* to wear this to an exhibition opening - [benfrost] is back on form!   

       Hmmm. Croissant or bone? <strokes chin and pretends to give it thought> Ok then, croissant.
wagster, Dec 22 2004

       Finger gets stuck in dimple [+]
skinflaps, Dec 22 2004

       It's a croissant, but it fills me with angst to think that my chin isn't what one might consider as a classically strokable one. Stand me next to a Jimmy Hill and I'd be a mess. What I need to go along with this device is a prosthetic chin.
zen_tom, Dec 22 2004

       //With a quick flick of a switch to the battery pack attached to your belt, the fingers begin stroking, tapping and generally caressing your chin//   

       At the risk of sounding risque, I have to ask - - could this device be worn upside-down? [+]
contracts, Dec 22 2004

       "Are you ready for Saturday?"   

       "Well, I spent two hours last night standing in a corner holding two melting cups of ice. That was following 90 minutes balancing a dripping paper plate; but, thankfully, I spent the hour before setting off for home strolling about stroking my chin. No, I'm not ready, and I'm not wasting words."
reensure, Dec 23 2004

       //"Well, I spent two hours last night standing in a corner holding two melting cups of ice. That was following 90 minutes balancing a dripping paper plate; but, thankfully, I spent the hour before setting off for home strolling about stroking my chin. No, I'm not ready, and I'm not wasting words." //   

       Well, anyone who would put ice into a cup that melts has to be a looney.   

       You know something, I could really have used this chin-stroker device while I was thinking out this stunningly unwitty reply.
Size_Mick, Dec 23 2004

       I thought the whole hawaiian thing in the subtitle was so one can hula and stroke one's chin at the same time. But deciding on supreme or hawaiian pizza makes more sense with the chin-stroker. What a tough decision!   

       PS> could also be called "Hands-Free Chin Stroker"
Machiavelli, Dec 23 2004

       <Vic Reeve's Big Night Out>Hmmmmmmmnnnn!</VRBNO>
gnomethang, Dec 23 2004

       [ben], that link you posted reminded me of Johnny Depp's fake arm (in the restaurant scene in the beginning of the movie) in "Once Upon a Time in Mexico."
Machiavelli, Mar 14 2005

       Prosthetic eyebrows, too, please. And some kind of bluetooth connectivity so it would be automatically activated in a probable CSE (chin-stroking environment) without the need for fuss and bother with switches and for that natural look and feel.
Soterios, Mar 14 2005

       CSI arrives to find a CSE. channel 10, 8.30pm. be therrre.
benfrost, Mar 15 2005


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