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Start a Sunday-only chicken franchise
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(+3, -2)
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A certain large fast food chicken franchise is closed everywhere on Sundays for religious reasons. While this is all very good and noble, it does pose a problem for those of us who just happen to need a number one chicken sandwich combo on Sunday afternoon. I propose that a second company, we'll call them "Chick-fil-B," partner with the franchise, and offer to make and sell chicken sandwiches exclusively on Sundays. They would not be in direct competition with the other company as they do not sell any food the rest of the week. Also, since the owners of the franchise are paying rent on the building but not using it 14.3% of the days of the year, Chick-fil-B can sublet their facilities on Sundays, creating a new revenue stream for the original franchise. And for that matter, if any of the staff wish to moonlight for Chick-fil-B, I'm sure the two companies could work out some system to expedite such an arrangement.
bluesterror, Jul 13 2004

What the hell is all this about? http://www.halfbake...tions_20for_20Yanks
"Everywhere"? [egbert, Oct 04 2004]

The Invention of the Chicken Sandwich http://www.chickfila.com/History.asp
The history of Chick-Fil-A [zigness, Oct 04 2004]

Closed on Sunday's http://www.chickfila.com/Closed.asp
Why Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sundays [zigness, Oct 04 2004]


       Good good! People who hold different days of the week holy (or none at all, as is probably the majority) should be able to get chicken sandwiches on sunday. So + from me (even though I'm a vegetarian!)
evilmathgenius, Jul 13 2004

       evil, did you know that beer is filtered through isinglass obtained from the swim-bladder of sturgeon?
po, Jul 13 2004

       [po]- No, I didn't know that. Fortunately, I've never been a big fan of beer.
evilmathgenius, Jul 13 2004

       nor me - DrBob is choking as we speak.
po, Jul 13 2004

       This place where you live, the only purveyor of chicken sandwiches there is Chick-fil-A? Even out here in the wild west I can get chicken breast filet sandwiches at Wendy's, etc. (Though I will admit that Chick-fil-A is the best)   

       While they may not be in direct competition with company "A", they would apparently be in conflict with the principles of company "A".   

       Having worked in fast food at one time, I can say that it was bad enough to have "day shift" vs. "night shift" issues. I wouldn't want any part of "Chicken Co. A" vs. "Chicken Co. B".
half, Jul 13 2004

       //"night shift" issues//

That can be solved with Chick-Fil-C. Now if only there was a place that sold chicken sandwiches on Christmas Day...
Amos Kito, Jul 13 2004

       //Even out here in the wild west I can get chicken breast filet sandwiches at Wendy's, etc. //   

       Dave Thomas late founder of Wendy's worked at the first Chic-fil-A as a young'un.
sartep, Jul 13 2004

       Actually, he worked at Kentucky Fried Chicken.
krelnik, Jul 14 2004

       [sartep]- I don't think Chick-fil-a has been around long enough for that.I don't remember it existing until the mid 90's.
evilmathgenius, Jul 14 2004

       /Now if only there was a place that sold chicken sandwiches on Christmas Day.../   

       Turki-Fil-A. Also, see link.
egbert, Jul 14 2004

       Nice link. You're all crazy.
yabba do yabba dabba, Jul 14 2004

       //I don't think Chick-fil-a has been around long enough for that.I don't remember it existing until the mid 90's//   

       [evilmathgenius], you're wrong by about half a century.   

       The first Chick-Fil-A opened in 1946. See link.
zigness, Jul 14 2004

       [zigness]- I stand corrected. It must have only been absent from my part of the world until the mid 90's.
evilmathgenius, Jul 14 2004

       "...it does pose a problem for those of us who just happen to need a number one chicken sandwich combo on Sunday afternoon."
Alas, Chick-Fil-B will only sell you number two...
phoenix, Jul 14 2004

       //I don't think Chick-fil-a has been around long enough for that.I don't remember it existing until the mid 90's.//   

       I have been to chic-fil-a in the early 80's.
sartep, Jul 15 2004

DesertFox, Dec 23 2004

       What if Christmas Day falls on a sunday   

       Turki-fil-B ?
rambling_sid, Dec 23 2004


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