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Chess Hoodie

A game for all occasions.
  (+24, -2)(+24, -2)(+24, -2)
(+24, -2)
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It has always seemed to me that there are bounties of two things in life: jackets or jumpers with hoods, forming an article of clothing known as a 'hoodie' and moments in time where you are left twiddling your thumbs in boredom with your partner, friend, relative, at various places with not much to do (airport delays are a very good example).

Hoods, coincidentally make a very good place to put small objects if you felt so inclined and were sure that you had no need for the hood, and chess is a good time killer.

Therefore I introduce Chess Hoodies, hoods that can come separate or with a jumper, that can be removed so as that when folded up, form a miniturised chess board, and a small zip compartment provides little chess or checkers peices.

Next up: Snakes and ladders versions. (or a Chess Hoodie with felt snakes and ladders to be added before the game.)

froglet, Aug 27 2006


       + for anything with a hood on it, but particularly for a good idea like this is.
xenzag, Aug 27 2006

       Well, they might check it out.
Ling, Aug 28 2006

       I once got a chess piece stuck in my hand. They are weapons, people.   

       BTW, this is one of the strangest ideas I've read in a while. [+]
daseva, Aug 28 2006

       //I once got a chess piece stuck in my hand. They are weapons, people.//   

       That is one of the strangest unexplained statements that I've read in awhile.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 28 2006

       //I once got a chess piece stuck in my hand. They are weapons, people.//   

       *Weilds king and bishop menacingly*   

       "I've got chess peices and I'm not afraid to use them!"
froglet, Aug 28 2006

       *Grabs rook & handfull of pawns, turns rook upside down & slips pawn into it.*   

       "Go Ahead!, Make my day!"
Zimmy, Aug 28 2006

       I was thinking that this would be a hood in the shape of a Knight chessman... That would have been cool, but this is better [+].
Jinbish, Aug 28 2006

       32 friends? Spreading ourselves a little thin, I'd say.   

       "Aww... why am I always queen rook pawn!? I hate being queen rook pawn!"
daseva, Aug 28 2006

moomintroll, Aug 28 2006

       This may be a little difficult to work with unless the board part is flat... in which case the hoodie might be rather uncomfortable...   

       Unless... Crocheted chess pieces! Oh, that probably wouldn't work either.
ye_river_xiv, Aug 31 2006

       ++ And backgammon would be nice too.   

       off-topic, [froglet], how's it going with the braces?
pigtails_and_ponies, Sep 02 2006

       //I once got a chess piece stuck in my hand. They are weapons, people.// You could use pretty much anything as a weapon; A suitcase, for example.   

       //This may be a little difficult to work with unless the board part is flat... in which case the hoodie might be rather uncomfortable... // Use Velcrow. Although, it may be rather annoying to play on a hood-shaped board, and the hood would have to be Velcowable. But, you would be able to put the hood on in the middle of a game so that you could finish it later.
apocalyps956, Sep 02 2006

       //And backgammon would be nice too.// As would Go.
apocalyps956, Sep 02 2006


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