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Chairlift Pole Holders

A device that holds your poles while riding the chair lift at a ski resort.
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People are always dropping their poles, or they are always in the way, when riding chairlifts. A cheap pole holder would fix the problem.
jpskiier, Mar 06 2013


       Just tuck your poles under your leg. Or better yet, ditch the torn ACL waiting to happen and get yourself onto a proper snowboard.
ytk, Mar 06 2013

       Seconded. Started boarding last year after twenty-seven years of skiing. Will never go back.   

       For those still stuck on planks, I'd think this would cause more problems than the convenience would be worth. It seems a good idea on the surface, but I envision a sharp increase in lost and forgotten poles, untimely entanglements, and lift stoppages. Anything that puts your poles out of the way during the ride up also puts them out of sight and out of mind when you reach the top.   

       Welcome to the Halfbakery, [jpskier]! You're off to a good start. Please keep in mind that rejection and mockery is our preferred form of praise. Return fire in kind and you'll be fine.
Alterother, Mar 06 2013

       Just bring a Lithuanian instead.
xenzag, Mar 06 2013

       //Just bring a Lithuanian instead//   

       But if you drop on of those you have lethuanians.
AusCan531, Mar 06 2013

       Also, this has /got/ to be the wrong category. Neatness counts.
ytk, Mar 06 2013

       Sports: skiing would probably be more appropriate, yes.
Alterother, Mar 06 2013

       Perhaps you could have fixed into the fabric of both legs of your salopettes a pole holder into which you can click your poles while, well, doing anything other than skiing. Maybe you could call them pole pa- no, maybe not.
calum, Mar 06 2013

       [+] but are you sure they don't have this already ?
FlyingToaster, Mar 07 2013

       It would be awkward if two people dropped their poles and got them switched.
not_morrison_rm, Mar 08 2013

       On the other hand, maybe the experience would draw them together.
Alterother, Mar 08 2013

       I'm just trying to shift those 4,139 boxes of Pole Switch stickers for compasses I had printed up.
not_morrison_rm, Mar 11 2013

       When I ski, I use only the most expensive carbon fiber composite poles. With rose-tinted diamond tips (although only industrial diamonds!). I wonder if your proposed holder would be of use to one such as me.
bungston, Mar 11 2013

       From your pole choice alone I'm guessing you don't even ride the chairlift, preferring instead to have a gold-plated helicopter ferry you to the summit, so the answer is mostly likely no.
Alterother, Mar 11 2013

       So, not a device fixed to the bedrock, better to support the pylons standing at regular intervals along the route of the lift?
pocmloc, Mar 11 2013

       Nah, they already got those.
Alterother, Mar 11 2013

       //Nah, they already got those Narrowly avoids obligatory Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference..   

       Anyway, if there is such a constant deluge of ski poles falling from the skies it could become an alternate form of execution, or at least fit the poles with piezo-electric crystals to harness some of the the energy.
not_morrison_rm, Mar 12 2013

       I wouldn't call it a deluge, but I see at least one fallen pole every time I go out, and usually a glove or mitten. If it helps build a demographic, I've been an avid skier for twenty-eight years (I average about 40 days per season) and I've been hit by falling equipment only once.
Alterother, Mar 12 2013

       Ok, we can just do this as trial by ordeal...probably go down well in Texas, assuming they haven't executed everybody first.
not_morrison_rm, Mar 12 2013

       The problem is that skiiers traverse the lift in the opposite direction from those riding it. If someone on the lift were shedding personal items, Alterother skiing below the lift would likely encounter the poles only at the bottom of the hill, with mittens, skis and hats farther up, pants and shirts farther up yet, and underpants / colostomy bag at the very top of the hill.
bungston, Mar 13 2013

       Poles are also dropped near the top of the lift, when passengers are fumbling to put their mittens back on before disembarking.   

       As it happens, the dropped item that struck me was a ski pole, and I was near the bottom of the slope, so [bungston]'s theory holds up. Mittens, gloves, hats, helmets, scarves etc. are typically found in the tropics (i.e. above and below the poles), with cell phones, wallets, mp3 players, and car keys peppering the eqautorial range. I've never spotted any underpants, but my home mountain does have a lift-adjacent tree that is gaily festooned with brassieres and Mardi Gras beads.
Alterother, Mar 13 2013

       Perhaps what is needed is vicious clips to grasp the rider and all of their belongings at the start of the ride. At the end, the clips all open automatically and springs inside them forcibly eject the person, mitten, pole, lithuanian and other sundries.
pocmloc, Mar 13 2013

       People would get used to those clips and want them everywhere.
bungston, Mar 13 2013


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