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Cell Phone De-shout-ifier

Talk quietly, gain a bar.
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Talk loudly, lose a bar.

All kinds of audio wizardry goes into cell phones these days. I propose using a measure of the relative loudness of the speaker vs ambient noise to fudge the phone's signal strength in a beneficial manner.

The loud annoying jackass's phone slightly un-tunes its antenna or tweaks its QoS to degrade the call and increase the chance that the call is dropped.

The opposite happens for considerate folks, who gain clearer and crisper audio.

Less noise pollution for all, and perhaps loud talkers can be trained. Of course, it would probably have to be made mandatory, like catalytic converters for air pollution.

the porpoise, Jun 04 2014


       Fire up the Kickstarter, I've got my credit card in hand.
normzone, Jun 04 2014

       And I would buy such a phone because?
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 04 2014

       Because it would be baked into every cell phone sold henceforth?
the porpoise, Jun 04 2014

       And as a manufacturer I would bake this into every cell phone because?
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 04 2014

       Might want to change the category to Public: Act of Mercy
normzone, Jun 04 2014

       Surely the easy way would be do that out-of-phase echoing in response to loud input?
not_morrison_rm, Jun 04 2014

       For about £19.99 you can buy a little jammer box on eBay which kills phone, WiFi and GPS within a radius of maybe three or four metres. They are immense fun to own.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 05 2014

       //If the local sound were replayed slightly out of sync   

       Ahem, if you look two comments up..
not_morrison_rm, Jun 06 2014


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