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Celebrity Gut Biome

Pay extra to get a fecal transplant from your favorite celebrities!
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The benefits of fecal transplants continues to be supported by a growing body of research. Celebrities should sell capsules of their stool for transplanting by people with debilitating gastrointestinal issues, or just those who would like celebrity bacteria in their digestive system. Whose would you want? Gerard Depardieu? Joe Rogan? Charo?
mrthingy, Oct 23 2021

Does it need to be fresh? https://www.youtube...watch?v=6mhNvCC5aww
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Oct 23 2021]

Charo's still alive! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charo
I don't know why that makes me so happy but it does. [doctorremulac3, Oct 24 2021]


       Imagine a Trump fecal transplant.....shudders. This is the stuff of complete nightmares - a fate worse than any death sentence, your insides contaminated with a hideous cocktail of the bacteria of greed, hatred, lies and idiocy at the extreme end of the spectrum in each category. It would make for a good horror movie.
xenzag, Oct 24 2021

       Why [xenzag], I never imagined you felt this way! Please regale me further with your deep insights that definitely didn't come fourth hand from the lie-dripping lips of a television reporter or internet blogger.
Voice, Oct 24 2021

       Some bacteria is preserved by mummification. Ancient bacteria. Bleh.
sninctown, Oct 24 2021

       I'm so out of touch with reality. I've never heard of a fecal transplant. EVER
blissmiss, Oct 24 2021

       //Imagine a Trump fecal transplant.//   

       This guy still gives your life meaning and purpose all these months later? Well, guess you should be thankful.   

       //I'm so out of touch with reality. I've never heard of a fecal transplant. EVER//   

       You don't want to know.   

       And the award for most unexpected idea on Halfbakery ever, (envelope please) MrThingy, "A fecal transplant from Charo!" (crowd goes nuts!   

       Is she still alive? "ALEXA..."
doctorremulac3, Oct 24 2021

       Could be a grey market in fakes
pocmloc, Oct 24 2021

       Pope Poo-ree. Holy shit.   

       A global compliance working group formed by the EU/FDA/BSI would solve the fakes problem, together with a network of testing labs.   

       It could be called CPOOPS for 'Celebrity Poo Provenance Standard'
TonyDeaf, Oct 25 2021

       //Please regale me further with your deep insights that definitely didn't come fourth hand from the lie-dripping lips of a television reporter or internet blogger.//   

       Easy. We watched and listened to what Trump himself said....shudders.
AusCan531, Oct 26 2021

       Never heard of Charo. But she was a student of Segovia, wow!   

       As to fecal transplants - er, eeeugh.   

       It's just occurred to me that there must be "transplant donors". What kind of person... I mean, who thinks their poo is... oh it just doesn't bear thinking about.
Frankx, Oct 28 2021

       I remember her act. She'd come out and do this bimbo routine complete with shaking here breasts while saying "Coochie coochie coochie" (no I'm not making that up, I'm not that "creative") then later she'd blow everybody away by playing this incredible flamenco guitar stuff.   

       And yes, fecal transplants. Eeeugh.
doctorremulac3, Oct 28 2021

       I mean "Beneficial Intestinal Bacteria Transplant" means exactly the same thing, with less of an eeeugh factor. Given what we're learning about how much difference a healthy gut biome makes in quality of life, they're a very useful tool, especially for people who have had theirs disrupted by heavy courses of antibiotics or chemo or the like.   

       That being said, I don't feel brand name poop carries any more benefit than brand name clothing.
MechE, Oct 28 2021

       "Easy. We watched and listened to what Trump himself said....shudders. — AusCan531, Oct 26 2021"   

       It was too painful to do that for very long, so I tried reading the transcripts of the speeches. That hurt also, but I persevered. I attempted to finish a couple of the tell-all books, but they were SO depressing.   

       But yes, [Voice], we are capable of forming our own opinions. I also cross reference multiple news sources and compare contrasting opinions, something I was taught to do in school.
normzone, Nov 02 2021

       //useful tool// (sp: stool)   

       But yes, there's clearly a place for them.   

       Presumably some people have a "better" microbiome than others, and you'll want your donors to be the very best.   

       That's really where my puzzlement begins: who in the world thinks their poo is so good someone else should have it?
Frankx, Nov 10 2021

       Celebrities, presumably.   

       To be fair, not all celebrities are monsters of vanity and folly. But some seem to be.
pertinax, Nov 10 2021

       Ugh. Of course this site has also succumbed to mind-numbing political division.   

       Here's some food for thought: If you think Trump did nothing good during his presidency or if you think Biden has done nothing good during his presidency then your reasoning is ipso facto impaired by bias and your opinion is absolutely worthless to any sapient discussion.
MikeD, Nov 15 2021

       I'm going for "StarTurds." Or maybe "TurdStars."   

       Wow. Sell NFTs (Non Fungible Turds) so you wouldn't actually have to have it implanted, you'd just have the pride in knowing that a celeb turd is in your portfolio.
minoradjustments, Nov 19 2021

       Sorry, there's a part of Trump that's _not_ fecal?
Ander, Nov 28 2021

       Listen [Ander]; you may be right, but please note [MikeD]'s remark above.
pertinax, Nov 28 2021


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