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Cardio For 400 Pound You

Centrifuge increases your weight by an adjustable RPM control.
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Basically one of those carnival rides that's a spinning bowl that pins everybody against the back wall. With this you're doing cardio, pushup, situps etc, but you're two or three times your normal weight.

Good for space exercising too. Maybe use the onboard water supply as an adjustable counterweight.

doctorremulac3, Mar 18 2025

Bad example https://youtube.com...si=GaUpwrmNuS1yhvob
[doctorremulac3, Mar 18 2025]

Spin gravity in sci-fi https://youtu.be/C4...si=bxvBaXSSBYLHRfqR
[21 Quest, Mar 19 2025]

Prior Art https://news.mit.ed...-gravity-space-0702
The basic idea has been around a while. [neutrinos_shadow, Mar 19 2025]

Topical Study https://journals.pl...ournal.pone.0234361
Motion sickness was "tolerable"... [neutrinos_shadow, Mar 19 2025]

More related stuff I just found https://technology....gov/patent/TOP2-311
Non-rotating station with habitats on rails. [neutrinos_shadow, Mar 20 2025]

Moon trains https://www.nextbig...-moon-and-mars.html
Seems I'm not the first to think of it (because it's an obvious method) [neutrinos_shadow, Mar 20 2025]


       This, on a large scale, was how they achieved artificial gravity on Babylon 5 (if you haven't seen that show, it's a real sci-fi treat, even despite the REALLY poorly aged special effects). Big cylindrical space station, and they kept it rotating at a steady pace. The station was arranged inside the cylinder along the inner surface. [+]
21 Quest, Mar 19 2025

       Whoa! Cool link 21!
doctorremulac3, Mar 19 2025

       Coriolis forces are the biggest problem with centrifuge arrangements. Basically, bigger radius is better. Little ones like in "2001" would be almost un-useable.
neutrinos_shadow, Mar 19 2025

       Yea, unless you're talking miles wide that's gonna be a factor.   

       I would think you could probably increase your resilience to motion sickness with practice maybe.
doctorremulac3, Mar 19 2025

       In case you didn't already know; If we were to hollow out the moon, (if it isn't hollow already...), the inner surface would equal Earth's land masses.
If spun at the right speed everything along the equators would be at 1 Earth gravity with un-climable mountains on either side and you'd be looking at lakes and city lights above your head.

       Centrifugal forces would trap any atmosphere and the poles of the newly rotating moon could be retracted with no loss of atmosphere.   

       True story... other than the inner surface equalling Earth's land masses. That's just something I read one time and can not confirm.   

       You could fly into and out of the spinning moon without any air-locks.   

       Earth's land area is about 4 times the surface of the Moon. The Moon is pretty big as far as moons go, but Earth is a lot bigger (& only 30% is "land").
Getting the moon spinning speed would be difficult given the "tide lock" it has with Earth. I guess you could use the Earth-Moon line as your axis, which would be weird.
<Throws some numbers about> Needs to rotate at 1.36 rev/hour (32.7 rev/day) for 1g near the surface (equator of rotation), which is faster than I expected...
Alternatively, put a train in a tunnel (or on the surface) going 16,051km/hr...
neutrinos_shadow, Mar 20 2025

       And reading conversations like these, is why I love the HB.   

       The idea themselves are a cover for the real payoff.
doctorremulac3, Mar 20 2025


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