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Canada Banana Republic

Same Politeness But with Martial Law
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(+5, -4)
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The Canada Banana Republic is a new innovation for the 21st Century. The leader will be called El-President-Eh and chosen by dynastic succession. The national flag will be a red maple leaf with a hammer & sickle in the center. There will be indefinite open- ended martial law, because -- well, you just never know what might happen in the future, and when martial law could come in handy. Political dissenters will have all their finances frozen, in order to adapt them to the cold climate conditions, before being sent to gulags in the tundra. Margaret Atwood will be compulsory reading.
sanman, Feb 22 2022

Lord Fukwad. https://www.faceboo...t=a.134349950745561
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Feb 22 2022]

Maybe I should have put this one first. https://www.faceboo...t=a.134349950745561
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Feb 23 2022]

Hinterland https://en.m.wikipe...org/wiki/Hinterland
There's a word for it. [pertinax, Feb 25 2022]

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       Mr. Potentate Ahead.
He's a pretty real dick tater.

       Any country which mistreated (or even killed) tens of thousands of its indigineous people but wastes all its time enforcing arbitrary gender pronouns is emotionally and socially retarded. I'm looking at you too, Australia.
4and20, Feb 22 2022

       Bun for well written and fun. + / - Bone for the reality of it all!   

       but I really left a bun+   

       And a bun for [2 fries]comment. Some people say he is Castro’s son…not you, you know Dick Tater.
xandram, Feb 22 2022

       I hit that bun button for this idea the way America's got talent judges smack their vote buttons. (Or England's got talent, or Madagascar's got talent, you get the idea.)   

       Sanman, please split your bun with 2fries for his comment.
doctorremulac3, Feb 22 2022

       You might be living in a tyrannical OLIGARCHY if:   

       -you have(had) a monarchy   

       -you have First Past The Post "voting"   

       -any one Corporation is worth more than your country's entire GDP
Sgt Teacup, Feb 23 2022

       Your link [2 fries] is much more appropriate for the 'open up for the economy and so I can go to TGIF' crowd.
AusCan531, Feb 23 2022

       You've lived here. You already know our Federal government is totally corrupt and only caters to a handful of cities yet gets to tap the resources of this mighty country as though it and we are merely their personal silent piggy-banks.
A small fringe minority with, uh, unacceptable views, the lot of us.

       How 'bout this one? [link]2   

       Better. I have no love for Trudeau (nor for his father) but don't feel the slightest bit sorry for obnoxious, POS clowns like Pat King having the weight of the law bearing down on him. Just thought it took way too long.
AusCan531, Feb 23 2022

       Not so sure I agree.
The world needed to know that our Feds have held most of Canada hostage since WW2 and the lot of them should be facing human-rights charges.
This peaceful display and show of strength and solidarity seems to have done the trick of forcing their hand before they were ready.

       You see how eagerly they grasp for excuses, or create excuses, to give themselves power.
When a democratic government gives 'banks' the power to seize the bank accounts of farmers and honest workers demanding to be heard, and instead denounces their own citizens as misogynistic racists not to be tolerated then...
...they are no longer a democracy and need the law bearing down on "them".

       Aus, with all due respect, what if the people voted on this and decided, right or wrong, to make vaccines and masks optional, perhaps suggesting antibody or negative test verification for compliance, maybe allowing businesses to also decide for themselves if somebody can get in with proof of vaccine, antibody test or a negative covid test? As imperfect as the may be, say something like "Hey, you might die but you might die from smoking too but it's a free country." Now you could say "But the unvaccinated will kill the vaccinated." So what percentage of vaccinated people are dying? I don't think it's very high at all. Is the solution of government overreach worse than the problem? Can we discuss that?   

       Is the possible downside of these proposals worse than having this tyrannical crackdown on such a large percentage of the population?   

       And although I'm a supporter of vaccines, my cousin started a vaccine creation lab and business that he's been CEO and owner of for years, I'm suspicious of the intentions of a world wide government linked vaccine industry that doesn't put any value in test kits (which should have been given out to every man woman and child a long time ago) and antibody tests being as useful as vaccine cards and serious effort put into prevention of future pandemics by finding out where this plague came from, including re-enstating Obama era bans or at least strict regulations on gain of function research should that appear to be a good idea after appropriate investigation into the situation.   

       Seems we're told that this is just incredibly simple and there's nothing to discuss, it's all about the pure good people fighting the pure evil people. Nice and comforting, but if you try to even explore possibilities other than total compliance, in many cases to the dictates of un-elected officials or total revolution you're put into the total revolution camp. For my money I don't see that as the best way to approach this.   

       My ten cents anyway. Which is worth about 7 cents at this point so take it for what it's worth.
doctorremulac3, Feb 23 2022

       //Feds have held most of Canada hostage since WW2 and the lot of them should be facing human-rights charges//   

       //if you try to even explore possibilities other than total compliance//   

       <eye roll at the hyperbole>   

       No sorry guys, my position is total compliance with the world government and I'm sticking to it. (PS things are rarely Black/White)   

       Hail Hydra
AusCan531, Feb 24 2022

       Things are 'never' black and white that's how we know that the government and news sources here are full of shit.   

       Give'm an inch, and they take ten miles.   

       Equal representation by contribution, or separation from subjugation.
No more silent piggy banks.
Folks are done with this democracy from a postage-stamp charade.

       I think specific regions should have a proportional say in how their contribution gets distributed instead of having no say at all.
No taxation without representation. Ordinary democracy fails when population severely outweighs proportion.

       How that can possibly function is a work in progress.   

       I don't think you understand. It has nothing to do with individual wealth.
All of the majority of Canadian citizens live within a region which might occupy like three percent, (confirmation needed, I pulled that figure out of my ass), (ow), of the area of this vast country.

       They decide what's best for them and the rest of us pay for it...   


       You tell me how we fix that without upsetting the apple cart and I am all ears.   


       ...the fringe minority with, uh, unacceptable views doesn't really need Quebario and will fare far better without their "democratically" elected oligarchy.   

       Um, Canadian majority exists in a tiny smear along our southernmost border, mostly in Ontario and Quebec.
This majority determines what happens to the rest of the continent spanning country not confined within those bounds. That is certainly democracy if you happen to live within that tiny smear but not so much if you live outside of it.

       More than 90% of what constitutes Canada is subject to the whims of this tiny lower smear.
Our Federal government only represents them yet gets to legally rape the rest of us to feed itself.

       I dunno. What do you suggest we do about such a situation?
We're pretty much just all freaking out without much of a plan other than we will not be ignored any longer.

       Any help will be greatly appreciated.   

       So to reiterate; the boot on our necks is having absolutely no say at the federal level of government for an overwhelmingly significant majority of the actual footprint of this country.   

       They do not represent 'us'.   

       They just represent the tiny smear they need to get elected...   

       ...any political party presented.   

       There is no [none-of-the-above] vote, so we only get to choose between oppressors unless we live close to Ottawa.   

       You tell me.
What would you do?

       You've already been given a solution. The fact that the majority of Canadians live in a minority of territory is totally irrelevant. Canada has coalition governments, so use that mechanism. You appear to be technologically sophisticated and politically inept.
4and20, Feb 25 2022

       //The fact that the majority of Canadians live in a minority of territory is totally irrelevant//   

The feds represent the majority of the population only. That self serving majority is not Canada.

       //example of “oppression.”//   

       Segregation for noncompliance.
Increasing taxation without representation.
Forced medical procedures.
Illegal seizure of bank accounts.
Being discounted by our government as a racist, misogynistic, white supremacy group with views which are unacceptable.

       The boys didn't drive thousands of kilometers to protest because everything is peachy out here on the massive fringes of that tiny red smear calling itself Canada.
They are 'not' Canada.
They're just as close to the equator as folks can squish, and nothing more.

       You think our majority can foot its bill without forcing the voiceless fringe to pay it without having any say in the matter?   

       There are several approaches to the tyranny of the majority. There is ranked voting or something similar, which exists in parts of Europe. Is it in Canada? Keep in mind that we are all being asked to find some way to give an unpopular minority some kind of disproportionate power. Isn't there some way to make them more popular instead?   

       There is also the really execrable practice of packing a senate with 2 senators from each state, regardless of a state's real population numbers. There may be nothing worse than copying U.S. political systems. Originally the people in the U.S. couldn't vote for senators anyway, and only started doing so in 1914.
4and20, Feb 25 2022

       We're not unpopular... just voiceless.   

       Just Ontario and Quebec hold 58% of seats in the House Of Commons.
Of course they don't want the rest of us to have a say, they have it cushy.
They consider the vastness of this country as just their resources to be tapped.
Our majority only represent themselves.

       //The boys didn't drive thousands of kilometers to protest because everything is peachy out here on the massive fringes of that tiny red smear calling itself Canada.//   

       LOL! Holy moly 2 fries, are you a writer? No matter where anybody stands on the issue they gotta admit that's some damn good wordy typing.//that tiny red smear calling itself Canada.//? LOL, Wow! Bravo sir, bravo!
doctorremulac3, Feb 25 2022

       : ]   

       Nope. I'm a Tile setter/Entrepreneur. I just try to be succinct.   

       Right on man, clever son-of-a-gun.
doctorremulac3, Feb 26 2022

       Meanwhile, here in the States, the population represented by the minority party holds way more than what a proportionally-represented party should hold, which screws up our laws into backwardsville something fierce.
RayfordSteele, Feb 26 2022

       So what do we do about that?   

       It's never been ,"we can't do that" and always been, "how can we do that?"   

       So... I don't know about south of the border but the northern attitude here is that we'll keep trying shit until something works.   

       Let me play for you the song of my people...   


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