Do you suffer from severe and frequent eating binges? Sudden cravings for stomach filling and sensory gratification? Well, the answer is here!
Those of you on the Eastern side of the pond, and most possibly those on the other side as well, are aware of the invasion of those damn Nicotine patches.
Getting you off cigarette addiction, and hooking you onto Nicotine patches instead. You pay double the price yet you're still addicted to Nicotine...
Bitterness aside, what i suggest is this, a 'DoughNOT Patch'. Instead of being saturated with Nicotine, this patch will give you bursts of artificial sweetner which deceive your body into thinking that you are eating, thereby alleviating your inhuman desire for food.
I've not had much time for Internet research, but i don't think that this product is on the market yet, nor have I been able to locate this idea on halfbakery.
Until next time mein freunden,
The Bloody Thesps