After looking at the rotating colossus (linky) I realized
a park where kids (and grownups too) can build a
heaving ho, then pulling the oars of a boat 100 kids
together, with the booming drums in the background
be great fun.
Teenagers could enlist to get punished
by being thrown
into a cold and dreary dungeon and forced to drink
disgusting looking food and drink muddy water for lunch.
While in the dungeon, you may pre-choose your torture
of choice (for extra points, allowing you to higher thrills,
but no real masochism is encouraged, this is mostly
about fun, workout and submission.)
Instead of standing in line, you are chained and marched
to the market where your master buys you, and sends
according to your price to the next attraction.
Running into a simulated mine field in rows, Iranian
and using paintball in a phalanx Roman style would be
great as well.
Towards the end of the day, you are told that there is
someone named Moses Luther King, who wishes to free
you. You have to crawl your way behind and under the
police barricades. And you get to hear I have a dream,
and cheer.
Then, to end the day, you must run in a stampede
together with the other kids through a hot water moat,
which immediately resides and you can walk out to the
other side, before Pharaoh's chariots reach you.
Every attraction does not last more than 20 minutes, and
you can opt out every 5 minutes, with staff members
looking to see that there is no harassment taking place.