Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Bun 'n Bone Ice Tray

Makes Bun and Bone ice cubes
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I was re-filling the ice tray last night and this idea popped into my noggin.
MikeD, Mar 16 2010

MikeD, I'd like to introduce you to Del Boy. http://www.bbc.co.u...covered/derek.shtml
[po, Mar 16 2010]

Fishbone Ice Tray http://www.toxel.co...ive-ice-cube-trays/
Scroll down about 1/3 of the way. [Canuck, Mar 16 2010]

Croissant Soap Mold http://www.silicone...prim=2d2-3croissant
Not sure whether this could be used for making ice, though. [Canuck, Mar 16 2010]

fishbones are baked...[scroll down link] http://images.googl...%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1
[xandram, Mar 17 2010]


       is noggin some kind of drink?
po, Mar 16 2010

       Wait, so the icecubes are shaped like buns & bones, or made of buns & bones?
victory, Mar 16 2010

       [victory], the icetray is shaped so as to make icecubes shaped like buns and bones. I was figuring buns down one side and bones down the other, or something ...   

       [po], noggin = head. Or is it a "Gulliver" y'all call it in the U.K.?
MikeD, Mar 16 2010

       Noggin is prefectly good UK slang where I come from but I also use the rare terms kip (sleep) and nipper (young child).
Aristotle, Mar 16 2010

       [+] a niche market-segment to be sure, but something to use while halfbaking on a hot summers day in conjunction with a fishbowl glass and a solar-powered curly-straw.
FlyingToaster, Mar 16 2010

po, Mar 16 2010

       I dunno, [Po]. I picked that up from "A Clockwork Orange", where Alex explains to the truant(?) officer that his absence from school is due to "an intolerable pain in the gulliver".
MikeD, Mar 16 2010

       you can't rely on Clockwork Orange as a source for slang - Burgess invented a lot of those words.
po, Mar 16 2010

       I never knew, [Po]. Now I find myself doubting Guy Ritchie films aswell. Does "Blagged" *really mean Robbed?
MikeD, Mar 16 2010

       Blagged = conned or swindled (ie no force used)   

       I think Ikea does the bone ice trays. The bun trays will be much harder to come by, although I think Ikea may also do stars and crescent moon ice trays, so you might have something there.   

       I'm going at Easter - I'll have a look, and if they have any I shall buy them. And some gin and some tonic. yes.
wagster, Mar 16 2010

       Not quite. If you blag something it means that you persuaded the owner to lend/give you it, possibly under false pretences. E.g. I blagged these tickets for the Cliff Richard gig by telling them that they were a present for my poor, sick, old mother.

Noggin, kip and nipper are all in use here too.
DrBob, Mar 16 2010

       Isn't that what con or swindle mean? As in "I conned the shopkeeper out of a quid by telling him I could get that wine cheaper in Tesco's". I'm less sure about 'swindle' - I don't use it much. I've always assumed it meant quite a large fraud.
wagster, Mar 16 2010

       [Wags], swindle is more small-time (at least when used in the U.S.). A "heist" is of a grander scale.
MikeD, Mar 16 2010


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