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Breathing generator

Make power even in your sleep
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Breathing is a motion that never stops for long - unless you are dead of course. Put an elastic belt around your chest that has built in Piezo elements or some other generator in a suitable configuration and you make power from breathing, even in your sleep. It won't be a lot of power since you don't want nightmares about being strangled by a python, but it could probably keep a cell phone charged or run a heartbeat monitor, or other useful widgets. The device could also help to burn extra calories for those who need it.
kbecker, Apr 07 2004


       So your phone will always be fully charged, but you'll feel like you've got asthma?
hippo, Apr 07 2024

       I wonder whether this would lead to the development of more powerful muscles - possibly around the diaphragm.
pertinax, Apr 07 2024

       [pert] - I see, yes, this could be part of a training regime, like how elite cyclists train at altitude to force their cardiovascular systems to become more efficient
hippo, Apr 07 2024

       An electrical muscle stimulator would be better and safer for burning calories.
Voice, Apr 07 2024

       Hook up an electrical muscle stimulator to a muscle-powered generator.
Voice, Apr 08 2024


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