I received, for Christmas, some Bonkin' Booger Ball plushy toys, as
gag gift, that doubled as my main gift. This is a running joke
between myself and Ms. Christ, since we heard that some scientist
other had recently discovered that nose picking among the lonely
serves the purpose of
diversifying their microbiome, which
for the non lonely through spit and breath sharing. And the
joke was that it was just so "never fails" that life would reward
loneliness with nose picking. It is just so circular and instructional
about the way life works.
So the running joke is that lonely people like me can always look
forward at the end of a hard day's work, instead of to a little ale
good cheer at the local happy hour, at least to a little boogers and
ostracism at the local place where nobody else is, thank you
And my new plushy toy Bonkin' Booger Balls are allowing me to
them and my own nose-picker-ness, a new freedom, a sense of
identity, and to bring this former source of embarrassment around
the front of my parade and to feel more like a battle flag than an
embarrassing thing.
So why not a Booger Bakery? Bread dough is pretty boogery
A bakery that advertises baked boogers for lonely people might
like a long shot for angel investment money, but it might just start
movement. Lonely people of the world unite! Bake your boogers.
Play with them in our associated maker space where we have
dough 3D printers.
Booger Bakery will actually bake or let you bake and play with real
bread dough, but the theme and advertising will state that you are
eating and playing with boogers. Pretty gross, but that's what
invention is: outside strategies for diversifying your microbiome.