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Better than sort

Let's try find out who is better than who based on reasoned debate and comparison
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This idea goes hand in hand with my deserve marketplace idea.

We should explicitly sort everybody element pairwise with every other to find out their social order by comparing two people of their moral beckoning and credentials.

People can argue why they are better than someone else and people can vote on who they think is better.

chronological, Jun 09 2022

Tautologies are tautological. http://imgs.xkcd.co...honor_societies.png
[Voice, Jun 10 2022]


       OK, I'll go first.
pocmloc, Jun 09 2022

       The subtitle gave me a giggle [+]
Voice, Jun 09 2022

       Even when you get down to the very worst person then they are better than everybody else at not being better then everybody else.   

       2 problems:
1: defining "better".
2: Some people will lie about their... everything.
neutrinos_shadow, Jun 09 2022

       Neutrinos, that's the fun of it. We can allow people to pick what they think of as better and use recommending engines to match people to what they think of as better. Then we can also measure the outcomes in people's life's of what people receive by thinking one thing is better than another thing and if it truly was better than the other thing.   

       Is a neurosurgeon more valuable than a software engineer?   

       Is left wing better than right wing?   

       Are rich people better than poor people?   

       Are your neighbours better than you?   

       Is someone who earns more than you better than you?
chronological, Jun 10 2022

       It can be a social network. Someone can prove their claims or have other people claim on their behalf   

       LinkedIn is full of exaggeration. Let's argue technical decisions based on what is better than other things.
chronological, Jun 10 2022

       Neutrinos someone can decide what they think of as being better as being better than what you think is better.   

       I'll start.   

       Believing in a loving all powerful God is better than believing the absence of God. One beliefs leads to better things. (Morals, principles, love, Jesus)
chronological, Jun 10 2022

       ^ One belief leads to atrocities with a side helping of feeling superior, while the other leads to truth sans brainwashing.   

       The problem with Hitler is he was literally Hitler.
Voice, Jun 10 2022

       (I must not get into a religious argument... I must not get into a religious argument... I must not get into a religious argument... I must not get into a religious argument...)
neutrinos_shadow, Jun 10 2022

       Not my joke but;
Say what you want about Hitler... but he did kill Hitler.

       I had just read, around 5 hours ago, a book that was written 200 years ago about an ancestor of mine who was one of the first Hassidic Rebbes. (A Hassidic Rebbe or Rebbi is the leader of a Hassidic community).   

       In the book, there is a story about a man later to be a known Rebbe himself, who approached Rabbi Haim Meir Yehiel Shapira of Mogelnitza. He proudly told the rabbi which town he's from, which was meant to impress the rabbi. The rabbi asked him: So tell me, who is the worst person you know in your town? He thought for a minute and then described someone in the town and his behavior.The rabbi turned away without shaking his hand or greeting him.   

       Wait, why have I just gone and told horrible things about someone in our town? he asked himself.   

       He ran back to the Rebbe and said. It is I! There is no one worse than me in the town. And I know all my flaws. As far as I can see none are anything serious so I can probably be friends with each and every one of the people in my town.   

       The rabbi smiled and shook his hand.
pashute, Apr 24 2023

       I came here looking for a place to give you a bun [+] for your post about the seat and cup for my murdered Elija idea.
pashute, Apr 24 2023

       Would love to chat with you pashute - do you have a handle somewhere else?
chronological, May 02 2023

       I like this idea, but it might be interesting if you could select from a list of most common answers.
doctorremulac3, May 02 2023

       //select from a list of most common answers.//   

       [ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Don't know
[ ] Mind your own business

       I think that about covers it.
pocmloc, May 03 2023


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