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Bathroom Button

(looks at number: 412) Now serving: 33
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So the TSA has gone and outlawed waiting in line for the bathrooms on airplanes. Great. I still dream of a world where I'm free to do what I want, but people have "fear of terror" syndrome, so it's just a dream. End of rant.

I propose that next to the flight attendant call button there should be a bathroom/restroom/toilet/loo/(whatever your region calls it) button. When pressed, a number will appear on the ceiling above you. In a central location will be another number. If your nuber matches that number, you may use the restroom.

I am open for suggestions for the icon above the button.

Worldgineer, Jan 14 2004

hazel? http://www.nbcsandi...2746179/detail.html
[Worldgineer, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]

Inspired by this story http://www.startrib...es/562/4315225.html
As heard on public radio this morning. (if it asks for a user name and password, try "halfbakery" and "halfbakery") [Worldgineer, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]

Medical device http://www.coloplas...34300256BFE004224BC
[kbecker, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]

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       A number 1, or number 2 flashes depending on circumstances.
skinflaps, Jan 14 2004

       What?! For fuck's sake. (the FAA not World). I like queuing for the loo. It's about the only thing you can do to alleviate the boredom of flying.
hazel, Jan 14 2004

       Is that why the line is always long?   

       (sorry, turns out it is the TSA, not the FAA)
Worldgineer, Jan 14 2004

       Makes me wonder why anyone bothers to fly anymore (short of traveling overseas).
phoenix, Jan 14 2004

       // suggestions for the icon above the button. //   

       A pair of brown trousers ??
8th of 7, Jan 14 2004

       //Makes me wonder why anyone bothers to fly anymore //   

       I actually love to fly. I find it enjoyable. But only if I am traveling alone, because then the trip is shorter, and I can put on my headphones and relax. But if i am traveling with other people it is usually more fun to drive.
babyhawk, Jan 14 2004

       //The woman was described as white and in her mid-30s//   

       Mid-30s? Still (just) late twenties thanks [World]
hazel, Jan 14 2004

       Well everyone knows that people look a decade older when agitated.
Worldgineer, Jan 14 2004

       The button for the loo could be painted red and labeled "eject" ... with a picture of a guy getting kicked by a big boot with the queue number right next to it ...
Letsbuildafort, Jan 14 2004

       Let's see how long it takes for someone to bring a "pull-up or Depends" kiosk to the airport waiting areas.
no12pass, Jan 14 2004

       //When pressed, a number will appear on the ceiling above you.// Place screens around the cabin. Screens show an outline of the plane with seat numbers scrolling next to each toilet. When your seate number shows up you are allowed to go there. The numbers may scroll ahead a little to give you time to get there. A single person waiting should be tolerable, even by the Dept. of Homeland Paranoia.   

       Alternative for #1: Take the appropriate medical device (link) with you. Do #1 at your seat. Hand bag to stewardess. Let's see how long the airlines put up with this.
kbecker, Jan 14 2004

       //Makes me wonder why anyone bothers to fly anymore //   

       <rant> Due to the rise of the budget airline and the dreadful state of the railways and roads in the UK, it's generally cheaper, quicker and less stressful to fly. You can get a return from Bristol to Glasgow for as little as £30 and an hour of your time, but the train would be £70 and take 9 hours. To get to London from Bristol - all of 100 miles - for a nine o'clock meeting costs about £80 quid on the train. Ridiculous. And don't even start me about driving anywhere </rant>
hazel, Jan 16 2004

       <continuation of [hazel]'s rant>At least Europe has a decent train system. The US's train system has gone from bad to worse (with Amtrack at a state of near collapse). Here with the added security a 1 hour flight really takes you 3 hours.</cohr>
Worldgineer, Jan 16 2004

       //Drop a log in the barf bag. Yep, that'll get a reaction// I would pay to fly just to see that reaction.   

       //At least Europe has a decent train system. The US's train system has gone from bad to worse (with Amtrack at a state of near collapse).//   

       this is true and it makes me sad. I love riding trains but it is quickly becoming impossible to do so in the US.
babyhawk, Jan 16 2004


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