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Ball Trimmer

An attachment. No, not what you're thinking!
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An attachment for line trimmers consisting of a 2-3 inch diameter rollerball set in a housing that screws onto the hub. It could be sold in a variety of the most common sizes to work with the line trimmers carried by the biggest retailers. They sell wheeled trimmers already, but I think this would achieve the same desired effect with less bulk and weight, and superior maneuverability, having a single point of contact with the ground to pivot around in all directions.
21 Quest, Aug 20 2022


       Can you supply some background information on why rollerblade wheels need to be trimmed and how a trimmer works? Wait, rollerball? What's that?
Voice, Aug 20 2022

       A1, the idea is basically like a mouse ball (remember when computer mice had balls?). It "floats" freely in the housing, allowing you to roll the trimmer along the ground, yes keeping it level however many inches off the ground for the size you chose, but allowing you to be able to pivot if needed to get a little lower in certain spots, say around table or chair legs.   

       I'd say similar in APPEARANCE to the mow ball in the post, but instead of a round skid it's an actual ball, maybe varying in size from something like a ping pong ball up to a tennis ball size.   

       In theory, one could pivot it low enough to scalp the grass, but that's where a little skill comes in. Maybe there's a spot where you WANT to scalp the grass, say around a septic tank lid?
21 Quest, Aug 20 2022

       I have the solution!   


You didn't think I'd just add it to this post did you?


       Heck no.
This idea is so awesome it must pass the overnight sobriety recall test if it is to exist at all.
...and that's no mean feat.

       To the slumber chamber!   

       Make the socket well fitting enough, and it shouldn't need declogging but every 10 mins or so I expect. A simple matter of popping the ball out, quick wipe with a rag, pop it back in and Viola! It'd be super easy, barely an inconvenience.
21 Quest, Aug 21 2022


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