Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Bag O' Atoms

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A bag of nice round differently colored round candies, and licorice! Each round candy has a big Atomic Symbol printed on it, and are different sizes and densities. They also have small holes in the sides representing places where electrons would be, and small stubs representing places where electrons are, in the outer shell. Licorice tubes make little bendy parts to make complex molecules easier.

Hydrogen is small and light, due to the air bubble inside. Soft and chewy, it will combine with just about anything. It has one stub for an electron, and a gap in case you want to combine it with another molecule. You get lots of these.

Carbon is a building block of organic life. If you need to build an amino acid, this is your atom of choice. With a 4-4 combo of electrons/electron gaps, carbon makes a strong base for anything.

The rare, huge Uranium candy has a pressurize center, and will randomly pop, due to it's relatively short half-life.

Argon doesn't combine with anything. It has a full electron-shell, and so is just a smooth jawbreaker.

All other elements are represented in the Bag 'O Atoms, though some are rarer; each with a different flavor. Atoms from the same group (noble gases anyone?) have similar tastes; one group will taste like different types of citrus, another like mints. See what you can build! Just don't drop the nitroglycerin!

Use them all and what are you left with? A Bag 'O Molecules of course!

DesertFox, Apr 19 2006

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       [+] "Hey, give 'toothless James' your carbon. He loves that stuff."
Letsbuildafort, Apr 19 2006

       I'll take a tableful!
Galbinus_Caeli, Apr 19 2006

       [Helium ... will combine with just about anything.]   

       Shirley you mean Hydrogen?
csea, Apr 19 2006

       "This neutrino has almost no mass at all!"
hippo, Apr 19 2006

       (+) [+] \+\ |+| /+/ <+> -+-
Mmmmm double helixicorice.

       Damn, these long chain polymers are chewy!
egbert, Apr 19 2006

       NIce - I'd like to see it on the shelves.
gnomethang, Apr 19 2006

       If you run out of atoms you aint gonna get molecules
The Kat, Apr 19 2006

       [csea] Hah! A big mistake I made! Thanks! Noted and corrected!
DesertFox, Apr 19 2006

       //Use them all and what are you left with?//
A Bag O' Trace Elements of course!
Letsbuildafort, Apr 19 2006

       /If you run out of atoms you aint gonna get molecules/   

       What's air then?
egbert, Apr 20 2006

       Brilliant. Encore, encore!
blissmiss, Apr 20 2006

       <wonders if it possible to make edible magnetic candy>
Ling, Apr 20 2006

       Big Bun! This may very well be the best idea for a candy that I've ever hear of.
Goceph, Apr 20 2006

       I would eat it periodically.
YoDaveG, Apr 20 2006

       [Ling] Well, they have those giant magnetic pills for cows...
DesertFox, Apr 20 2006

       Would the fluorine taste like toothpaste?
phundug, Apr 20 2006

       I think I would like to give my kids some Lithium Candy when I need some peace.
Ling, Apr 21 2006

       There's a strange Fe about the possibility of having molecule candy...   

Jinbish, Apr 21 2006

       Interesting. +
sartep, Apr 21 2006

       all washed down with A Can O'Worms +
xenzag, Apr 21 2006

       Astonishing, I need 10 bags.
Germanicus, Apr 21 2006

       Now when the kids say they're making a Pb sandwich, it could just be an assembled mound of candy... that sits like a lead weight in the pit of their stomach.
Shz, Apr 21 2006

       Good idea. Have a positron (+).
spiritualized, Apr 21 2006

       "Give me two dozen arsenic, a dozen cadmium, some mercury and a handful of lead. And five plutonium too, please."
nuclear hobo, Jul 06 2007


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