Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Automatic Silverware Buffer

Machine that polishes lots of silverware
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A hopper is loaded with random washed silverware, about 100 at a time, then the hopper shakes and pivots to align the silverware; to be strafed by a replaceable polishing cloth, several pieces at one time, until the hopper is empty! Restaurant businesses will now be more equipped to handle a large dinner rush! Faster silverware polishing is an opportunity for more customers
abadon, Dec 17 2007

Cutlery polishers http://www.kidcater...ers-catering-224.uk
Including "polishing granulate". [phoenix, Dec 18 2007]

More cutlery polishers http://hit-equipmen...ucts_polishers.html
Evidently "Rosler is the Mercedes Benz of cutlery polishing equipment." [phoenix, Dec 18 2007]

Utensil Sorting Dishwasher Utensil_20Sorting_20Dishwasher
Related idea [csea, Dec 18 2007]


       I did a search for one. If one is for sale I could be interested.
abadon, Dec 17 2007

       How about tumbling the silverware in a giant vat of sawdust?
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 17 2007

       sawdust ? where do you come from?
abadon, Dec 17 2007

       I would like to understand but is it possible?
abadon, Dec 17 2007

       I come from a country that has trees and silverware. Also, from a background in manufacturing in which small components were polished by tumbling in abrasives or sawdust, depending on the material and the finish required.   

       Tumbling in sawdust is going to be cheaper, faster and more effective than a complex mechanism, if you want to process many irregular objects in parallel.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 17 2007

       Ok, It could work, a synthetic kind of name brand "sawdust". My concern is that dust or saw does not go very well with serving food.
abadon, Dec 17 2007

       Thanks MaxwellBuchanan! I now need to invent sanitary sawdust or something, so I dont have to re-wash the silver.
abadon, Dec 17 2007

       As long as the cutlery is dry, sawdust won't stick to it. Some sawdusts are more or less adhesive than others. Pine sawdust, for example, is awful. Medium-coarse sawdust from dense hardwoods, if they've been properly seasoned in the first place, is non- sticky and can be dusted off with a puff of air.   

       But I'm curious - don't regular industrial dishwashers leave cutlery shiny enough for regular use? And in the best restaurants, is the throughput high enough to justify a machine?
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 17 2007

       At the Emmerson Grill where I presently work we polish because of small water spots left, if dried without buffing them. speaking of which I gotta buff some silver, I call the process; blessing good thoughts into the cutlery.
abadon, Dec 17 2007

       Do you mean the Emerson Grill?
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 17 2007

       The device appears to be baked (link), though I guess that depends on what you mean when you say "silverware". I use it as a generic term for cutlery, but you may mean _silver_ silverware and I'm not sure I'd put anything valuable in one of these things.
phoenix, Dec 18 2007

       I'll slam some butter knives, forks, and spoons in to the cheap metal, geared, jurry rigged maybe a litte noisy and not to worry about loosing a few utencils. About 6 to 8 inches long . Yes I just can see it now. As much silverware as I got the waitresses to do: about 20 minutes. They could have been doing something much more important, in my opinion. Think of it as the operator of a business in which simple job functions can be automated motions, everyone should check out my favorite inspirational person Fredrick Winslow Taylor!
abadon, Dec 18 2007

       I don't know, I mean I've got a N in my name, and my spell checker wasn't working and I just barely graduated and I'm trying not to be nervious.
abadon, Dec 18 2007

       //we polish because of small water spots left, if dried without buffing them.// IN that case, there's a much cheaper and simpler solution. Just rinse in demineralized water before drying. You can get a laboratory-grade demineralizer fairly cheaply. All laboratory glassware is rinsed in demin before air-drying, and is spotless.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 18 2007

       From the looks of it, some folks seem to have been around for a couple of lifetimes to have the ability to display poletheras of working knowledge. Evaluating solutions to my ponderings. The halfbakery is the best.
abadon, Dec 18 2007

       Even if you had spelt plethora(s) correctly, I think you’ll find the plural is plethora.   

       Confusing, isn’t it?
Custardguts, Dec 18 2007

       Despite the fun it might be, the word "plethora" suffers no plural form.   

       But I can envision its usefulness, if merely for the fun of it: "There is a plethora of reasons to believe you are right, but there are several plethorae of reasons to believe the opposite."
globaltourniquet, Dec 19 2007

       yes, confusing is sometimes fun, unless you are at work, then confusing turns my face red. anyone having fun yet, yep.. what cha did'ja now.
abadon, Jan 02 2008


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