Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Augustus Gloop PlayPlace Child Evacuator

Inspired by recent interactions with a friend's toddler.
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Pressurized air blows stubborn children through the play tubes and down the slide.
21 Quest, Mar 20 2023

Iris (choke) Valve https://www.aaamach...mi/iris-valve.shtml
Could work? [neutrinos_shadow, Mar 20 2023]

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       What kinda pressure we talkin bout here?
whatrock, Mar 20 2023

       Why, sufficient pressure to dislodge the children, whatrock. Insufficiently rotund to resist the pressure, A1.
21 Quest, Mar 20 2023

       Really needs a way to accommodate children of various rotundities. Perhaps something akin to an iris valve?
neutrinos_shadow, Mar 20 2023

       Do you mean Iris Valve the punk trumpet player?
normzone, Mar 20 2023

       Larger children simply build up pressure behind them until sufficient force is accumulated to dislodge them, like Augustus Gloop.
21 Quest, Mar 20 2023

       You trying to tell us that 'your' child isn't stubborn?   

       Damn son! You done won the parent lottery.   

       Mine is persuadable with threats of violence.
21 Quest, Mar 20 2023


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