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Assorted metals coin collection

The same coin made of different metals
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Collectible coin sets usually contain variations of the same coin; for example, the "State Quarters" in the USA all have different pictures on them; and proof sets usually contain one coin from each denomination (penny, nickel, dime, etc).

But I'd love to see a set of coins which are identical except for the metal they are made out of. The diameter would be based on the size of a one-ounce silver dollar, but each coin would be made of a different pure metal: Copper, Zinc, Tin, Silver, Iron, Aluminum, Sodium (just kidding), titanium, etc. Some nice alloys like brass or bronze could be added to the premium set.

Deluxe sets would also include the much rarer Gold and Platinum specimens, but of course their prices would be prohibitive to the average consumer.

Because of the tendency of some of these metals to tarnish or rust, some kind of rust-proof coating may need to be applied to some of them. But the luster, density, and color variations of the natural metals would make them beautiful to display.

Thank you.

phundug, Feb 07 2011


       Why limit yourself to metals? A coin of every element!
bungston, Feb 07 2011

       How'bout putting them into circulation ?   

       Have $1-50 coins each in many different pure metals, sized when they're minted to their intrinsic value of the day.   

       And allow people to melt them down if they want.   

       Some economics whiz want to take a whack at what would happen ?
FlyingToaster, Feb 07 2011

       Mercury could be a challenge, as could Copernicium. Any chance of acquiring neutron star dust?
RayfordSteele, Feb 07 2011

       There was an exhibit in the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago with a sample of each element in front of its spot in the table. I cannot find an image on line. Very memorable, to me at least.
bungston, Feb 07 2011

       I've definitely heard of the elements thing, but of course they didn't have the beauty and geometric elegance of coinage.
phundug, Feb 07 2011

       P.S. What happened to my chlorine coin? It was just here.
phundug, Feb 07 2011

       My einsteinium coin is burning a hole in my pocket.
Voice, Feb 10 2011

       Some ludicrously expensive, useless, and/or poisonous metals would probably make extending this idea to the full array of metals impossible, even ruling out those metals which weren't actively reactive or radioactive in our normal environment. Nevertheless, what metals you'd remain with would make this idea quite cool, and I endorse it wholeheartedly.   

       Might spread awareness of those poor unappreciated metals lounging in the low-rent zone of the transitional elements like atomic hobos, though, for which I wholeheartedly support. Yttrium, Vanadium, Thulium, Praesodymium...
Hive_Mind, Feb 10 2011

       Baked. If I remember I will log back on on monday and provide a link. I think for some elements you need special clearance, but this exists and I've considered buying them for the novelty of it.   

       Try a search using elementcoins. I was looking for a rhodium coin and they have one I believe. The Cohen Mint has some odd metal coins as well, but nothing like the other site.   

       Metallium might be their company name.   

       I am pretty sure you can get a molybidium (sp?) Coin and about 40 or 50 others. They aren't cheap, though.
Zimmy, Feb 12 2011

       It WOULD be a lot more fun putting a coin on the rail road tracks if it was made of thermite. Bun [+].
Grogster, Feb 12 2011

       //Any chance of acquiring neutron star dust?//   

       But... you 'are' neutron star dust.
yoiks that was lame
You could coin the phrase...
dang that was even lamer

       <walks off singing> "We are stardust, we are golden, We are billion year old carbon, And we got to get ourselves back to the ga-a a-a aaaaaaaaaaa a aa arden."

       Thermite is metal, now?   

       Cyanide is, I think. If not that then another element just as deadly- not radioactive is, or my name isn't Zimmy the inventor of the banana bomb!   

       - edit. Arsenic. Not cyanide. God am I dumb when it comes to chemestry.
Zimmy, Feb 14 2011


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