Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Veni, vidi, teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini.

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Artist Awards Given By The Ton

"This year's winner of totally the best, not sucky at all artist winning the five ton award is..."
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Love the pictures of Grammy or Oscar winners holding as many awards as they can after after be showered with accolades for their awsome contribution to the artform.

So let's turn it up a notch in case the lowly proles don't get it. "Here's the artist you need to buy from prole. Look upon is massive mountain of awards and bow down!"

Grammys are shown, but would be great for the Oscars too. I think it would be cute to have the presenter hit the stage with a helmet on for the big presentation. "Okay, here's the big moment! Avalanche time!" (roars of fake laughter from the elites in the audience)

doctorremulac3, Feb 04 2025

"This year's winner of the full 5 tons of Grammy's is..." https://www.dropbox...ay&st=xrtp002f&dl=0
"Gosh I'm so nervous, envelope please..." [doctorremulac3, Feb 04 2025]

"This year's runner up with 3 tons..." https://www.dropbox...3v&st=z05j4525&dl=0
[doctorremulac3, Feb 04 2025]

Inspired by the arms full of Grammys thing. https://www.google....1469&bih=1229&dpr=1
[doctorremulac3, Feb 04 2025]


       [-] Not enough idea for the ranty payload
Voice, Feb 04 2025

       The idea is to increase the number of Grammys like printing more money as it gets worth less. Grammy / Oscar inflation.   

       Oh well, I thought it was interesting.
doctorremulac3, Feb 04 2025

       Had anticipated "The Ton" being some sort of new creative arts deity. (none of fishbones are by the way)
xenzag, Feb 04 2025

       And I'd assumed it was a Bridgerton reference.   

       And what [Voice] said; we have to *earn* our rants here, with some proper ideation. {wanders off muttering the Four Yorkshiremen sketch}
pertinax, Feb 05 2025

       Hosted by Ricky Gervais.   

       He let's me call him Rick.   

       He doesn't really, I, I, was just in the moment and ran with it.
He can sue me.
Screw him.

       I don't care.   

       I don't care.   


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