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Artisan CD-rom

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I was thinking today of spending what little money I have on supporting local producers and businesses, but I have also run out of blank CDs.

So I propose a local industry of handmade blank CDs, hand blown from glass made from locally sourced beach sand, with a layer of organic grass fed gelatine to allow the laser to do its job, and finished with a hand applied plating of 23 carat gold leaf (applied using sustainably harvested genuine nose oil of course).

pocmloc, Oct 23 2014

string (goodies) http://asymptotia.c...-as-well-be-string/
[not_morrison_rm, Oct 24 2014]

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       //handmade blank CDs//   

       Why blank?
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 23 2014

       I sometimes like to pop a black CD into the player when I need some peace and quiet.
the porpoise, Oct 23 2014

       [porpoise] Why would a black CD necessarily have no sound on it?
hippo, Oct 23 2014

       Sound and light are both waves, so I dunno, string theory?
the porpoise, Oct 23 2014

       We're certainly being strung along with THIS theoretical idea.
normzone, Oct 23 2014

       I'm all for it - as well as artisanal precision-milled nuts and bolts, using only the finest canal-paddled EH36 steel, and beautifully hand-chamfered bin-liners, made using only the finest organic(†) polythene.

(†) as in chemistry.
zen_tom, Oct 24 2014

       See string theory, of sorts"...feature on the critical string shortage as a result of unprincipled mid-east string hoarders".   

       Link and all that..
not_morrison_rm, Oct 24 2014

       //genuine nose oil//   

       You'll bankrupt the Synthetic Nose Oil industry.
mitxela, Oct 24 2014


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