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Art By The Foot

An infinite canvas
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Painting does not get the media attention that other art forms such as cinema or music receive. Great artists of the past like Dali and Escher would cause a sensation with their amazing talent and great promoters like Warhol were masters at drawing attention to their work with various publicity stunts.

I saw a movie once where the artist was asked if he could paint a picture that would fit above the client's couch and he got all pissy and said "I don't sell art by the yard!"

But that sounds like just the kind of novel idea that could get a new artist noticed. He makes one painting his entire career in the style of Escher's "Metamorphose" (see link) and sells it by the foot. Early pieces might go for a few hundred a foot but later in his career the price would go up to the tens of thousands if they were any good. The buyer could even determine where the cut was made allowing them, to some extent, to take part in the creation of the art they're investing in.

Just the kind of gimmick that would get a new painter on the news and in the public eye and get people to think about painting again.

doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2007

Escher's "Metamorphose" http://images.searc...8bcd05d27c&ei=UTF-8
[doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2007]

Spinning mule http://www.customwo...our/photos/mule.jpg
Obviously a much smaller one would be used. [doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2007]

is not dead. http://www.benfrostisdead.com/
[po, Oct 08 2007]

hand drawn holograms http://home.earthli...nblack/hologram.htm
[beanangel, Oct 08 2007]

Art by the foot - well baked. http://www.amfpa.co...2&oid=5041&mid=4229
Also art by the mouth. [MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 08 2007]


       Dali painted many of his works classically, and was technically very accomplished, but he was certainly not averse to promotional stunts and shock tactics in order to publicise his work.   

       Where does one get a lifetime's supply of this paper/canvas/whatever, and considering its substantial weight and size, how would the lowly artist fit it in his garret?
zen_tom, Oct 07 2007

       Absolutely. Dali was a master of promotion which was great. I don't have a problem with artists promoting themselves as long as they've got talent, especially in this day and age when you have the promotion end of the arts biz so bloated we have to endure endless "news stories" about no-talent fake stars like Paris Hilton or Anna Nicole Smith. Real artists need to keep up somehow.   

       I was thinking you'd just start with a small roll of canvas and attach new rolls as you go along. I'm sure there's some method of gluing or sewing sections of canvas together that would be reasonably invisible at least in front.
doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2007

       //Where does one get a lifetime's supply of this paper//   

       I think that problem could be solved by producing paintings individually, but which could be subsequently joined together to produce a continuous painting.
Ling, Oct 07 2007

       Alternatively, you could set up a spinning mule and paint on its output. When you run out, just buy more cotton, throw it in the hopper and turn the crank.
jutta, Oct 07 2007

       I think any of those would work. The main criterion would be whatever was most interesting. Having the convas or other medium be continuum would certainly get people's attention. You could truely say it was one painting created over decades and cut into pieces. (See link)
doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2007

       //Painting is kind of a dead art form these days// have to take serious issue with that statement... numerous contemporary painters, and other artists are working away, many far more successful than the two mentioned - Lucian Freud to name just one of the more "popular".
xenzag, Oct 07 2007

       yeah, why not.
dentworth, Oct 07 2007

       //Painting is kind of a dead art form these days// - no it's not.
hippo, Oct 08 2007

       Maybe a dead artform is the wrong term to use, but painting is not promoted to the public nearly as much as other forms of art and entertainment. Quality artistic work may be out there, but the mainstream media doesn't cover it nearly as much as other forms of art out there such as music, acting or writing.   

       One of my best friends makes his living as a painter in New York and does some pretty amazing publicity stuff to get people in to see his work. He had one gallery set up as a archaeological dig from the future that had "ancient relics" from our time interspersed with his paintings. Great promotion and great art go hand in hand, but painters have a lot more competition these days than Escher or Dali did.
doctorremulac3, Oct 08 2007

       //but the mainstream media doesn't cover it// I think your perspective is USA centric - look beyond your horizons....
xenzag, Oct 08 2007

       Ok, I'll look beyond my horizons. Which direction is the horizon again? I forget.
doctorremulac3, Oct 08 2007

       //I think your perspective is USA centric//   

       Funny, see as how the worlds perspective is USA centric
evilpenguin, Oct 08 2007

       I like it, especially with [jutta]'s infinite canvas mule.
theleopard, Oct 08 2007

       Infinite canvas, good title. Mind if I use it?
doctorremulac3, Oct 08 2007

       I heard about people that could hand draw holograms scratching a thing like mylar; always room for more that way
beanangel, Oct 08 2007

       Ok, I changed it from: "Painting is a dead art form." to "Painting does not get the media attention that other art forms such as cinema or music receive."
doctorremulac3, Oct 08 2007

       How about fitting someone out with an implanted telemetric cardiograph, and having a machine produce a continuous trace? Over the years, the trace would show their heart's response to running for bus, sleeping, having sex, narrowly avoiding a car-crash, depression. Eventually, it would start to show changes as they aged. The last couple of yards, recording their faltering heart at the moment of death, should be worth small fortune.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 08 2007

       re: dead art: media attention in a niche market is in the niche media.   

       you know what I mean. I have to seek out painting exhibit news. I skip over any articles, tv bits having to do with ballet. (yeah, uncultured boob, I know) I really can't abide ballet. But I will seek out news and reviews about painting and sculpture exhibits.   

       anyway, I was thinking of an idea similar to this where artists contribute little sketches or paintings in mini form and they are all patched together to make one big expensive collage, in support of a charity or cause. But this actually is done in fibre art and quilting.
dentworth, Oct 08 2007

       I'm for anything that helps the art world get stuff out there to the people. The sad truth of the matter is that great art forms sometimes wane in importance to the general public for one reason or another.   

       For instance, when I was a kid growing up in the 70s and 80s we'd buy record albums with a square foot of art that you could look at while listening to the music. Then Cds had that little book that came with a 5" square of art but now you're looking at the album art on a 2" square screen on your iPod.   

       I miss the album art being a big featured part of the album experience rather than just a postage stamp sized tag.
doctorremulac3, Oct 08 2007

       [Treon] the link on the hand-drawn holograms is brill - thanks!
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 08 2007

       Somebody is doing this sort of. In this case they save all their kid's art through the years on a roll.
doctorremulac3, Mar 07 2015


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