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Arm Swim Paddles / Now Hand Swim Paddles

Oars that strap to your forearm that close when you punch forward, open when you pull back.
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Inspired by 2 Fries scale covered wetsuit, a simpler way to get that water pushing surface area.

Like climbing through the water. (link)

Okay, made a simpler version basically a modified hand swim paddle that you make a punch, pull motion to swim with rather than the standard swim motion they do with regular hand paddles. Forward, less resistance do to the shape, and it collapses, rearward it opens up and provides more resistance, pull on the rearward motion.

They can also be much longer, extending to the elbows for more area. There'd be a strap by the elbow for those.

doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2024

Arm swim paddles https://www.dropbox...ro&st=8qtj66dp&dl=0
[doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2024]

Inspired by 2 Fries scale covered wetsuit. Aqua_20Scale_20Mail
[doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2024]

Another drawing but more of a mess. https://www.dropbox...sr&st=4ywcqw2p&dl=0
Gets the idea across though. [doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2024]

Much simpler, hand "punch to swim" paddles. https://www.dropbox...wq&st=uvv3i8v0&dl=0
There's a stiff handle bit in the middle and finger holes on the bottom to stabilize. [doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2024]

Same with longer outside paddle https://www.dropbox...ct&st=su5riw91&dl=0
[doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2024]

Could also do a version of these only made to open when pushed forwards and close when pulled back. https://www.amazon....2NQ4M68-&hvexpln=73
Basically like another idea I had for surfboards only a small hand held version. Might also use mine for exercise if you just stand in place. [doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2024]

And even simpler yet. https://www.dropbox...97&st=kl6w0y07&dl=0
Just a modification of existing hand swim paddles. Allows you to do that punch forward swim thing as well as the standard stroke if you want. [doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2024]

I can just add a hinge to these. https://www.amazon....7Q3YSS2D&th=1&psc=1
These are made to create resistance for exercises, but I could modify them with hinges to actually swim. Could also use them for directional exercises, pushing then flip for pulling resistance. [doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2024]

Okay, gonna make this to test the idea out. https://www.dropbox...5f&st=y2cbbvqc&dl=0
Simple, no moving parts. Fingers are out so you can grab the pool ladder, speargun etc. [doctorremulac3, Oct 07 2024]

Final design, making this today and going swimming with it. https://www.dropbox...6s&st=svmsm0f1&dl=0
Two versions, one that opens up when moving backwards and one that's just flat. [doctorremulac3, Oct 08 2024]

I'll try this simple one first. https://www.dropbox...ez&st=d61hesx6&dl=0
[doctorremulac3, Oct 08 2024]

Final design application illustration. https://www.dropbox...ga&st=v27wjish&dl=0
Same and positions you'd do for regular swimming, but adds a lot more pullback during that stroke. [doctorremulac3, Oct 08 2024]

With elastic wrist stabilizer for added structural support. https://www.dropbox...hd&st=gr368hi9&dl=0
[doctorremulac3, Oct 08 2024]

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       Okay, ignore absolutely everything except the last picture linked. I'm adding an elastic wrist strap to add more structure to the paddle but done enough drawing for one day.   

       Feel free to ignore that too.
doctorremulac3, Oct 08 2024

       Starting to feel better in the mental sandbox. At this point I'd just have to try it. Carefully. My bad shoulder is still raising alarms.
daseva, Oct 09 2024

       Nobody has explained yet how any of this stuff can be a new thing...   

       Somebody must have played with it.   

       That was my thought exactly so I spent about an hour checking patents. An absurd amount of hand paddles that you strap to the front of your hand and I couldn't see any appreciable difference between the variations. Only one that was similar to this with the paddle sticking out in front as an extension of the fingers. But that would be useless because the leverage of the water hitting your basically frontwards elongated hand would require your wrist flex alone to provide the additional forward pull opposed to the entire arm like mine does.   

       On mine the pull is at the pivot point of the wrist and pull from the top and bottom parts are roughly equal. I'd adjust the front and back as necessary for balance and to be the same area so both sides would pull equally not requiring any effort to keep it pointing perpendicular to the arm for the backwards stroke. The only difference would be that it would be harder to pull back, but that's because you'd be moving forward faster because you're grabbing a greater mass of water with a big oar, not just your hand.   

       Hey, if you see something similar let me know before I waste any more time, didn't see anything at the patent office though.   

       Quick tip on how to search patents. Use Google patents, not the patent office which is a mess. Pick your search term, in my case "Hand swim paddle" and then find one that's closest to your idea. Then when looking at prior art that patent cited, switch to one that looks closer to yours and do that again searching prior art. Find one that's even closer? Start again with that one and do it as many times as necessary until you zero in on one that's as close as possible to your idea.   

       Oh, and in keeping with not shutting up about this idea I'll add that with mine your fingers are free to climb the pool ladder or grab onto the edge of the pool after a lap. The paddles they sell in the stores strap to the front of your hand and you need to take them off first.
doctorremulac3, Oct 09 2024

       Hey, these could be collapsible too! So for scuba divers you pull out the front and back sections when swimming then slide them back when picking up gold doubloons or whatever.
doctorremulac3, Oct 10 2024


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