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App Usage Timeline

Scrolling timeline showing last usage of an app
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I don't like the way Windows shows-manages the installed packages. I propose that the packages are shown in a timeline fashion, in a browser, divided on week, 30, 60 and 90+ last used areas. An user timed alarm could be configured to tell you that you are not really using this or that. Not really useful, rather a matter of presentation tastes. Want it fancier? Show it in a pyramid like manner.
babyloon, Jun 11 2003

IShellExecuteHook http://msdn.microso...hellexecutehook.asp
"This method provides an opportunity for the application to hook the execution of an object and change the default execution or perform some other action before the object is executed." [krelnik, Oct 04 2004]


       Certainly the current "frequently", "occasionally" and "rarely" appellations are vague and largely inaccurate. But how does a timeline help you? You should know whether or not you use a given application.
DrCurry, Jun 11 2003

       This could be built by a third party. There is an call-out interface in the Windows shell called IShellExecuteHook, that is called whenever you run an application. By "hanging" your widget on this hook, you could get a peek at every program that gets launched, and gather these statistics.
krelnik, Jun 11 2003

       That is my point, DrCurry, sometimes you forget they are there and they just clutter your disk to no end. The timeline helps you to visually see what should be trashed or else. I used to edit sound files with "x1" then with "x2", I forgot about "x1" and it and all those workfiles were lying deep down my disk, forgotten but eating space.
babyloon, Jun 11 2003

       Hmm. Interesting idea and certainly useful, but only in an off-hand, lazy sort of way. Structure your hard drive properly and it's fairly easy to keep up with your stuff.   

       Another point about this idea is that it doesn't address data files, which the author specifically mentions as an impetus for the idea.
phoenix, Jun 11 2003

       Data can be handled with "last written" and "last accessed" file time/date stamps, can't it? Seems straightforward.
krelnik, Jun 11 2003

       In these days of multi-hundred gigabyte hard drives, I hardly think disk clutter is that serious an issue.
waugsqueke, Jun 11 2003

       Recovering disk space isn't the only reason to clear off unused applications. It can also speed up the operation of Windows and reduce the likelihood of compatibility issues with other applications on the system (aka "DLL hell").
krelnik, Jun 11 2003

       Yes. I was just adressing the only reason given by the author (aside from "I don't like...").
waugsqueke, Jun 11 2003

       Windows XP already keeps track of the icons on the desktop, and offers to delete the ones you rarely, or never use.   

       The most used icons show up in list at the bottom left corner of the start menu. You can make this list any size you want.   

       Microsoft's Office Journal keeps track of the Office documents your launch on a timeline basis.
Cedar Park, Jun 12 2003

       The clutter of desktop icons is another thing, perhaps the least used ones should appear muted or small on the desktop space....reciding (sp?) into the "distance". I usually keep only two lines of icons to the left of the screen and one line to the rigthmost. The least used icons could automatically group to the center of the desktop where I look the least , else, the screen could be "extended" or "rolled" to the left, right or upper normal desktop and the icons automatically moved there, you just move the mouse "out of bounds" and there they are. But that is another app...
babyloon, Jun 12 2003


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