1- You get a phone call from some scammer, you call it and they say your credit card was stolen or some such and ask for your credit card number, social security number etc.
2- You verify it's a scam using procedures posted at the anti-scam website.
3- Text the scammer's number to the website
where volunteers will double verify that the phone number is indeed from a scam site.
4- The number will be posted and citizens will be encouraged to call the number using the associated app, play a fake response to the scam. This will be designed to sound like a vulnerable mark that's a bit on the slow side so it will take as long as possible for the scammer to figure out THEY'VE been scammed.
The idea is that these call centers would eventually be inundated by millions of citizens teaming up to fight this scourge. If the scammers need one scam a day to make it worth while, they'll have to wait through millions of calls a day, in fact, real marks won't be able to get through hopefully.
So you'd have a app, you'd open it, it would make the call and you'd either be given a script or opt to just play the AI created fake mark recording. You could even have it cycle through several dozen scam sites a day automatically, saying "Do the anti scammer app for 1 hour today."
There's millions of us and only a few thousand of them. I think this might actually shut down the scammers. And if they decided to block your area code because too many of your fellow citizens are calling them, hey, that would be a victory.
I'll add that once they block your number the app takes that number off your target list. At some point your number might be blocked by all the scammer and you can say you did your part.