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Anti-freeze faucet dripper

For colder climes
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This screws onto your faucets like a Brita water filter, and might even double AS such a filter, but the faucet is left always in the on position, because this regulates flow like a smart sprinkler timer. The primary function is that it pairs with an outdoor thermometer (a more expensive "smart" version" might replace or supplement this with WiFi connectivity and a weather app), and whenever the temperature drops below freezing, it automatically starts your faucet dripping just enough to prevent pipes from bursting. When it warms up during the day, it shuts off to conserve water.
21 Quest, Dec 06 2023

This might have some relevance. https://www.science...wer%20flow%20rates.
[pertinax, Dec 06 2023]

Possible unintended effect ... https://www.quora.c...-flow-to-not-freeze
"So, ironically, the moving water will freeze faster. It's just that the freezing was delayed longer. So the still water really freezes sooner, not faster." [pertinax, Dec 06 2023]


Voice, Dec 06 2023

       Thank ya, good Baker!
21 Quest, Dec 06 2023

pocmloc, Dec 06 2023

       Pertinax, leaving the valve open for water to drip serves as pressure relief as much as anything. If the water does freeze somewhere along the length of the pipe, the expansion creates pressure in the pipe and that's what causes it to burst.
21 Quest, Dec 06 2023

       Thank you, that clarifies things.
pertinax, Dec 06 2023


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