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Antimatter, that is
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According to Wikipedia, antimatter is the most costly substance in existence, costing approximately 62.5 trillion dollars per gram. Now, jewelry is commonly made of precious metals like silver, gold, and platinum, as well as precious jewels. Why not go the full nine yards and craft jewelry out of the most expensive stuff in the world?

On the end of a pure Lutetium chain, a perfect vacuum is maintained inside a gleaming translucent blue diamond orb. Using state-of-the art technology, a few particles of charged antimatter are magnetically suspended in the exact center of the orb. This item can be worn as a necklace or pendant, or simply put on display as an example of how wondrously, ridiculously rich the owner is.

I know that this item would be insanely difficult to manufacture, but that just adds to its prestige. Besides, who says that it *really* has to contain antimatter...?

DrWorm, Aug 31 2009

(?) Epaulet Grenades http://www.comixped...ry#Epaulet_Grenades
[derefr, Sep 02 2009]

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       // who says that it *really* has to contain antimatter //   

       Be assured that some daft sod will pry one open to find out .....
8th of 7, Sep 01 2009

       Maybe an anti-crucifix for the anti-Christ. [+]
coprocephalous, Sep 01 2009

       That's not anti-jewelry, it's extreme jewelry.   

       Anti-jewelry would be cat-shit on a string earrings or something.
Loris, Sep 01 2009

       You're suggesting the rich wear an item which, if banged or dropped, could release the energy equivalent of a nuclear bomb. An entire holiday resort, reserved exclusively for the disgustingly rich, goes up in smoke.   

Bad Jim, Sep 01 2009

       showing off - I have a new designer polonium ring on my finger.
po, Sep 01 2009

       // the energy equivalent of a nuclear bomb //   

       Err, no.   

       Basic non-boosted fission weapons are about 20% efficient; for a crude Fat man type device with about 6Kg of Pu in the core, maybe 1Kg actually fissions, with a yield of about 20lkT. (Yes, yes, we know it's grossly oversimplified). So a gram of fissioned Pu equates to 20 tonnes of TNT .... 1 milligram is 20 Kg, 1 microgram gives 20g - more than enough to blow your hand off, but not enough to lay waste a holiday resort.   

       But ....   

       The actual "loss" of mass - mass/energy conversion is a LOT less. Remember, the PU kicks out fission fragments which have nearly as much mass as the original atom, it's just the binding energy that goes down. So actually, you would get an awful lot of energy from just a few micrograms of antimatter (which would be completely converted into energy) as opposed to a fission reaction which leaves a considerable amount of detritus......
8th of 7, Sep 01 2009

       [Bad Jim], if you like the idea of blowing up rich people, why not just market explosive caviar, or maybe explosive little dogs?
DrWorm, Sep 01 2009

       or market explosive dogs that taste like caviar..   

       a necklace made from a live vicious dog could be considered anti jewelry too.   

vfrackis, Sep 02 2009

       To be fair 8th, DrWorm specifies 'a few particles', which is ambiguous at best.   

       Using data from Wikipedia:
Smallest listed nuclear yield : 0.01 kt TNT
10 tonnes of TNT would be enough to cause severe damage to most holiday resorts.

       One gram of antimatter annihilating with one gram of matter is apparently equivalent to 43 kilotons of TNT.   

       Therefore the amount of antimatter required to give same yield is 0.23 mg.
Two or three 0.17 mg grains of antimatter sand would cover this easily.

       I should say that I read the particles as being antiprotons, which wouldn't be a huge problem in the event of containment failure.
Loris, Sep 02 2009

       This idea sounds antisemicry
pashute, Feb 08 2018

       explosive [+]
Voice, Feb 09 2018

       Why not take it further and make a properly cut anti-diamond?   

       Admittedly the technical challenges in fabricating it will be considerable, but just think of the spin-offs.
Wrongfellow, Feb 09 2018

       //you would get an awful lot of energy from just a few micrograms of antimatter// I believe Einstein had something to say on the matter, something to do with an emcee.   

       Ah yes. E=mc^2. So, if m=10^-8kg and c=3x10^8m/s, that's 10^12 Joules, or about 250kg of TNT.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 22 2018


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