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Annoying screw replacement

Save time and wear where screws are used in low-strength applications
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Lots of machines small and large have screw-attached covers (such as battery compartment covers) that need to be removed and replaced often. Annoyingly, this requires an appropriate screwdriver or screwdriver surrogate.

For machines where strength isn’t a factor (this idea was inspired by a battery-powered cat toy of mine that requires a rechargeable AA battery swapout about once a week), I propose an assortment of screw-replacing corrugated plastic fasteners that can simply be stuck into the screwholes, with an assortment of easy-to-pull flexible tabs and rigid nobs extending their heads. Removal and reinsertion time is reduced from minutes (including the time needed to find a screwdriver/screwdriver surrogate) to seconds. Stripping of threads and screwheads is eliminated.

Could be packaged in blister-packs and sold in hardware, grocery, and specialty (eg: pet) store checkout displays. Better patent it (or license and existing patent) quickly – this could be my route to entrepreneurial easy street!

CraigD, May 09 2015

Body clips ([bs Orthodox Union]'s post) https://www.belmetr...hop-clips-c-12.html
Sounds like you want a smaller version of these [pashute, May 14 2015]

Body clip http://www.modelspo...c-car-products/1576
[bs0u0155, May 14 2015]

Body posts http://www.rcmart.c...ta05-024fbu_001.jpg
[bs0u0155, May 14 2015]


       This is not an entirely bad idea.   

       However, when you say "corrugated" - you mean the surrogate screw just has a (pardon the expression) ribbed shaft, sort of like the original screw thread, but designed to be pulled out and pushed in? If so, it's going to wear.   

       However, if the plastic widget starts out as a slightly-tapered smooth-sided plug, it could be screwed into the hole. Doing so would carve a set of threads into the surface, turning it into a plastic screw, which could then be unscrewed and rescrewed using the tab.   

       There might be a market for this. I can see it being useful, also, as a replacement for lost screws. You'd need to sell them as a pack containing a range of diameters - just pick whichever is slightly bigger than the original screw, and use.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 09 2015


       Change from: Where did I put that pesky screwdriver...?   

       to: Where did I put that pesky blister-pack...?
Ling, May 10 2015

       I'd get lots of lawsuit insurance for when the children ate the lithium, nicad, or lkaline batteries.
RayfordSteele, May 10 2015

       // Anything like [link] ? // Yes, but where most plastic fastener, like those in the link are meant to inserted 1 time only, hold strongly, and have an inconspicuous, low-profile head, the idea’s are meant to be inserted and removed many times, hold no more strongly than the users finger grip can overcome, and have an easy-to-grab head.   

       // you mean the surrogate screw just has a (pardon the expression) ribbed shaft, sort of like the original screw thread, but designed to be pulled out and pushed in? If so, it's going to wear. // The ribbed surrogate screw should last a hundred or so remove-insert cycles – 2+ years of weekly uses. It shouldn’t damage what it screws into, which may be a cheap plastic case (such as is the case with my cat toy).   

       Another way to look at the idea is that it’s an easy way to upgrade an inconvenient screw-on hatch with a convenient finger-latch one, such as those found on better designed devices. In a more perfect world, there’d be no need them, because all hatches would be near perfectly designed.   

       People with diminished vision and fine motor control, such as older people, are a target market. No more will they need to pester younger friends, neighbors, and relatives to change the batteries in their poorly-designed gadgets.   

       In addition to my kitties’ battery-hungry toy, an inspiration for this idea is the engine cover shell of my small electric lawn mower. Occasionally, this otherwise reliable tool throws its drive belt, requiring 4 1.5” screws to be backed out then screwed back in, a minutes-long task with a manual screwdriver, or minutes to fetch and use an electric one. Over the years, the screw heads are become gradually worn to near unusability.
CraigD, May 11 2015

       Hmm, the world of radio controlled cars hasn't taught me much, but, there are such things as body clips. They work by replacing the screw with a threaded post. A thin hex section is used to drive it in. Protruding from the hex section is a post, this will penetrate through the flat hatch or whatever you are trying to secure, then, you put a spring clip through holes in the post and everything is held securely. It's also how race cars hold their bonnet/hoods down, takes 2 seconds to remove them. Would work well for the mower.
bs0u0155, May 11 2015

       Post this on quirky.com   

       Clearly state the difference(s) between this and [link] and add a drawing.
pashute, May 14 2015

       pash, not quite, some of these <link> holding on a body by sliding through the posts as highlighted <link>. What isn't shown well is that the clips have a bump perpendicular to the main springy axis, meaning that they can exert spring pressure downward too.
bs0u0155, May 14 2015

       What's wrong with Cleco fasteners? We use those on some of our drill jigs at work in place of screws. They go right in the existing screw hole.
21 Quest, May 14 2015

       I just took a faucet apart to replace a plastic valve. They used steel screws, now a pile of rust; needed to be drilled out.
FlyingToaster, May 14 2015


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