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Amplified Baseball Bat

Heavy pivoted end section arcs towards the ball at high speed hitting it with much higher force.
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You could just swing a heavier bat but this would be much lighter with only one 6” weighted section pivoting and doing so at high speed at it follows the path of the handle then very quickly arcs towards the ball.

Maybe I’ll do an animation.

doctorremulac3, Jul 13 2024

It's somewhere here https://www.myphysi...b.com/index-en.html
[doctorremulac3, Jul 18 2024]

BOOM! https://www.myphysi...le-pendulum-en.html
This is it. Play around with the relative rod lengths and masses. You'd use this to design the thing. [doctorremulac3, Jul 18 2024]


       Actually no animation needed. It’s just a whip. The energy from the long motion of the stroke is transferred to the shorter, therefore faster motion of the end unit whipping.
doctorremulac3, Jul 13 2024


       And can we also make the ball explode?
whatrock, Jul 18 2024

       Of course! And that gives me an idea.
doctorremulac3, Jul 18 2024

       Uh oh.
whatrock, Jul 18 2024

       Animation, or it didn't happen.   

       I think I can actually find one already... stand by...
doctorremulac3, Jul 18 2024

       Got it! (link) Play around with the relative rod lengths and masses. You'd use this to actually design the thing.
doctorremulac3, Jul 18 2024

       On a whip, the tip is much narrower (ie, lighter) than the base of it. Would it work the same way with a heavier tip?
21 Quest, Jul 18 2024

       Check it out, you can try different configurations for yourself! You can adjust the weight and length of each part.   

       That website is really amazing.   

       I think you'd basically call it a "whip bat" because that's what it is.
doctorremulac3, Jul 18 2024


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