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Alphabetical Sentences

Work wonders with words...
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How about this word game?

Try forming sentences using words that begin with the same letter. See who can form the longest sentence without repeating a single word.

Some simple rules: lists of nouns (she saw ships, sailors, sea serpents...), verbs, or adverbs are not allowed to have more than 3 commas and the semicolon cannot be used to elongate a sentence. Proper names are not allowed, except countries, cities and famous people. Hyphens are allowed if properly used.

A simple example: "Angry animals are aggressive and attack anyone."

baboo, Apr 09 2002

The Greatest Story Ever Told http://www.halfbake...Story_20Ever_20Told
Tangerine-toed trilobites terrorised Trafalgar, tantalisingly trepanning trespassers toasting tupperware [-alx, Apr 09 2002, last modified Oct 04 2004]

(?) Alliteration Archive http://users.erols.com/dweeb/
Actually, there are some subtle differences between a traditional alliteration and this game. But you still might enjoy these. Making up alliterations is a popular 3rd grade game for building vocabulary; you can find quite a lot of illustrated alliterations on the web. [jutta, Apr 09 2002]


       All afternoon at Atlanta, acting Algerians assault ambulances, ambling ancient authors affront artists, and androids are added at an academy.   

       Could have gone on with that, but my brain was starting to hurt.
Pseudonym #3, Apr 09 2002

       This is known as alliteration, my dear [baboo].
Aristotle, Apr 09 2002

       Unless you can get the first stressed-syllable consonants to rhyme and then it is called a head rhyme.
bristolz, Apr 09 2002

       Unctuous, uncaring underer.
bristolz, Apr 09 2002

       There was a fair bit of this in the world famous "Greatest Story Ever Told", was there not?
-alx, Apr 09 2002

       When I read the title "Alphabetical Sentences," I immediately thought of something like "A Blond Cardiologist Drove Erratically, Following Government Health Inspectors. Japanese Kamikaze Lawyers Make Nurses Over-Prescribe Quinine -- Really, Shock Therapy Using Very Warm X-rays Yields Zip" or something like that :-) (Phew, forgot the "K" the first time)   

       BTW, would an organization called "Alliterates Anonymous" defeat the point?
mrouse, Apr 09 2002

       Dit dit dit dah dah dah dit dit dit...
phoenix, Apr 10 2002

       <pedant>When the beginning sound in the words is a vowel, it is not called alliteration, but instead assonance.</pedant>   

       I like the sentence, mrouse.
magnificat, Apr 29 2002

       At this point I would add links to poems that use this technique, if it wasn't for the fact that I can't be arsed.
NickTheGreat, Jul 04 2002

       brawny bullies bearing bricks bugged Billy beachside,but being big babies became bored before bedtime
clairepanda, Jan 11 2003

       "<pedant>When the beginning sound in the words is a vowel, it is not called alliteration, but instead assonance.</pedant>"   

       I'll out pedant that, because it's wrong. Repeated sounds at the start of the word is definitely alliteration.   

       Assonance is repeated vowel sounds within the words, e.g.   

       Beneath the leaves of green and gold the woodland creatures sleep.   

       Since this repeats the long "ee" sound, it is certainly assonance. Oddly, beginning with a vowel, may possibly be classified as assonance AND alliteration. But I can't let a bad definition lie unpoked :)
Britlion, Nov 11 2003

       Alphabetical an by is mean sentence this what you ?
riskyrisk, Nov 12 2003


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