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Algorithmic voice

Capture a persons voice as an algorithm.
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Say there is a sound recording of Mark Twain reading something. It is processed and comes out as a set of parameters that is used to run a speech synthesizer. Then you feed the text of one of his books into the machine as well and there is Mark Twain's voice reading his story
Iridium7, Oct 18 2007

Text-To-Speech http://www.research...ttsweb/tts/demo.php
Our Demo Speaks Your Text [baconbrain, Oct 18 2007]

A panphonic poem for Mission Impossible III http://literalminde...ssion-impossible-3/
This idea in movie fiction. [jutta, Oct 18 2007]

Voice fonts for singing (re: xenzag) http://www.guardian...19/onlinesupplement
One application: helping people who can't sing? I doubt that untrained singers could handle the recording process. [jutta, Oct 18 2007]

Model Talker http://www.modeltalker.com/
Looking for beta testers. [jutta, Oct 18 2007]


       and if you used Al Gore's voice and made it undulate melodically, would that be an algorithm too?
xenzag, Oct 18 2007

       Good one, [xen].   

       Link to state-of-the-art in text-to-speech. It has various accents, but still sounds odd.   

       This is a wish.
baconbrain, Oct 18 2007

       This is called a "voice font", and exists, although not to the degree that you'd really want. (I can't help the feeling that I'm really saying the same thing as baconbrain before me.) AT&T's research, which he links to, is a good place to start.   

       The FAQ from "ModelTalker", which tries to make this technology into an end-user usable product, is an interesting read that reveals much about the very real applications and limits of the technology.   

       This isn't just about funny celebrity voices; if you're suffering from an illness like ALS (what Stephen Hawking has) that slowly destroys your ability to move your muscles, including your throat, this may be your best chance at preserving a bit of "yourself" in your future prosthetics. (Of course, most people by now think of TTS as Stephen Hawking's voice, so for him, uh. Recursion! Recursion!)
jutta, Oct 18 2007


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