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Algo for checking how 'cluttered' a room is

Very useful for future Alternative Reality AR (especially japanese dating sims)
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dot point squad:

1. Take a photo or camera feed

2. Analyze for number of objects, and its position.

3. Rank the room by how messy it is (as a decimal ratio )

4. Pipe it into the program so it can do whatever it wants with it

Example Usage:

Your virtual girlfriend decides to come and visit your bedroom. When she opens her eyes, she reacts accordingly to what your room looks like. For example, she is certainly not going to be impressed with your average teenager's room.

This will help encourage some to keep their room cleaner.

mofosyne, May 24 2012

another hypothetical brainwashing game http://en.wikipedia...he_Next_Generation)
[Voice, May 25 2012]

A Paper on "Surface Roughness and Fractal Dimension" http://dsp.vscht.cz...atlab01/militky.pdf
Jiri Militky and Vladimir Bajzik discuss signal processing to identify fractal dimension to measure "roughness" in product manufacture quality control - but similar approach could be applied to determining room "tidyness" for the purpose of providing a motivational metric to a virtual girlfriend. [zen_tom, Dec 06 2018]

Nike Line Nike_20Line
Related idea [8th of 7, Dec 07 2018]


       If you had included an actual algorithm I would have been impressed. As the idea stands it barely avoids my M-F-D   

       This is like saying, "an algorithm for cleaning an entire house using Asimo hardware"
Voice, May 24 2012

       1. Open eyes 2. Process visual input, analyse for number of objects and their position 3. Rank the room by how messy it is on a scale of urgency: 1 = smells and looks like something died in a goodwill store accident / 2 = all right as long as no one comes in / 3 = imminent girlfriend for unbridled naughtiness 4. Implement required level of remedial works as appropriate.
Phrontistery, May 24 2012

       Why does it matter how presentable the room is if the girlfriend is virtual? Can't a virtual girlfriend simply be programmed to react as if she's just entered the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
Alterother, May 24 2012

       An edge and blob finding algorithm would probably work. As a rule, edges are cluttered spaces, but not neccesarily messy, irregularly edged blobs are almost always mess.
MechE, May 24 2012

       // Can't a virtual girlfriend simply be programmed to react as if she's just entered the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?//   

       Only if you don't want medium, hard, or impossible difficulty levels.
Voice, May 24 2012

       There's another, much better idea hidden here: a virtual girl/boyfriend purchased by parents and designed to influence teenagers.
Voice, May 24 2012

       A virtual nag?
Alterother, May 25 2012

       Well of course if there is algae growing in your room of course its cluttered.
rcarty, May 25 2012

       Why would you want a mythical horse? Oh, geekiness... as you were.
UnaBubba, May 25 2012

       There's a serious problem here in step "2." It's really, really hard to separate one object from another on a software basis; this is part of the reason that AI robotics hasn't gotten terribly far.   

       Also, your algorithm for checking how cluttered a room is is "feed number and position of objects into an algorithm for checking how cluttered a room is?" Really? Oh, that gives me an easy outline of my next idea! "How to provide cheap energy: 1. Dig up dirt. 2. Pour dirt into a magical mass-energy conversion device. 3. Cheap energy!"
Hive_Mind, May 28 2012

       I would pay a zero-dollar bill for this.
sqeaketh the wheel, May 29 2012

       I knew it would catch on.
Alterother, May 29 2012

       // There's a serious problem here in step "2." It's really, really hard to separate one object from another on a software basis; this is part of the reason that AI robotics hasn't gotten terribly far. //   

       It's not perfect yet, but it's come a long way in the last 6.5 years. Mask R-CNN, invented by Facebook's AI researchers, would probably do okay at that task. It came out a couple of years ago and is open-source.
notexactly, Dec 06 2018

       A simple "smoothness" metric might work as a heuristic replacing "tidyness". This would be a similar process to to calculating the fractal dimension of a room.   

       So perform a laser-distance sweep around the room first and calculate the anticipated surface area based on the initial dimensions, then perform increasingly granular sweeps, collecting distance information.   

       The more fluctuation there is per unit length, the lower the smoothness, and the less tidy the room is.
zen_tom, Dec 06 2018

       I just realized this is a virtual girlfriend idea that isn't by [beanangel].
notexactly, Dec 07 2018

       // the lower the smoothness //   

       What if the room is cluttered with large numbers of vari-coloured and sized spheres ?
8th of 7, Dec 07 2018


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