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AlgaeFarms ex GrowRooms

A solution to a "problem"
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So, I'm watching this show on... TV... yes and it's about the terrible epidemic of marijuana growing in America. It was a lengthy documentary, the girl with the microphone helped edge it along with all her "flair". Anyways, they are explaining the massive harm the grow rooms have on society once they are empty. Once they have been abandoned due to police raids. Essentially, the cuckoos on the show are saying "look at this terrible problem that we've created but aren't responsible for!". Turns out nobody knows what to do with 200 abandoned potassium bulbs, 500 gallons of pesticides and plant nutrients, and large ventilated areas. Anyways, here's the idea:

Turn those abaonded rooms into algae growrooms for biofuel. Maybe the nutrients couldn't be reused, but at least we're perserving what once was.

I choose this outfit over, say, turning them into plant nurseries, because it's novel and we need incentive to start algae grown biofuels. Is this a 'let's all'?

daseva, Feb 04 2009


       Dunno, but it's sort of good. Um, i would prefer people to be fed because biofuel has driven up the cost of food. I also wonder about duckweed and seaweed. When you say algae, are you talking about eucaryotic single-celled photosynthesising organisms, multicellular algae or cyanobacteria? They would have different benefits.   

       Also, how about those convicted maintaining the system? They would have the necessary skills and experience to do it better than many others.
nineteenthly, Feb 04 2009

       "Turn those abaonded rooms into algae growrooms for biofuel."
Registered with the government, of course, to avoid any future raids. And those schlubs you hauled off to jail for growing pot? Teach them to be algae farmers instead of license plate makers. What could possibly go wrong?
phoenix, Feb 04 2009

       //what could possibly go wrong?//   

       heh heh... They meet a bioengineer in D cell who teaches them to splice the psychoactive component of canabis into the algae?
Zimmy, Feb 04 2009

       So, the proposal is to produce biofuel using illumination from potassium bulbs?
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 04 2009

       Generally speaking they have done some engineering on their local power grid not only for free power but to avoid tell-tail bills.
MercuryNotMars, Feb 04 2009

       //So, the proposal is to produce biofuel using illumination from potassium bulbs?//   

       When you put it that way....
Zimmy, Feb 04 2009

       Use the lighting to grow bioluminescent algae - and use that for lighting.
wagster, Feb 04 2009

       Oooh yeah, you guys have me there... Ok, sell the bulbs on eBay and let children eat the potted soil?
daseva, Feb 04 2009

       Sell your children on ebay and eat pot.
wagster, Feb 04 2009

       // Generally speaking they have done some engineering on their local power grid not only for free power but to avoid tell-tail bills.//   

       Twinge of nostalgia for the 'eighties there. It wasn't me who was doing that at the time, i might add.
nineteenthly, Feb 04 2009

       nostalgia my arse, they bust a few every month here.
FlyingToaster, Feb 04 2009

       Are the methods for nicking electricity more advanced now?
nineteenthly, Feb 05 2009

       mmm.... don't think so, there's only 3 ways of doing it, direct, induction and bring-your-own. I think they catch them by the large IR signature.
FlyingToaster, Feb 05 2009

       You can do it by induction??
Zimmy, Feb 05 2009


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