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Circle Line accelerator
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this proposal is to turn London Underground's Circle line into a particle accelerator to rival Cern there's plenty of power,a circular ring of around 30Km(?)as for the accelerator magnets, they could be mounted on rolling stock until neededthere are plenty of candidates for siting the experiments in side tunnels. Imperial college is just a proton's throw away And I'm sure Ken Livingstone would approve
giligamesh, Nov 09 2006

Baked? http://www.independ...e-line-1932744.html
[Wrongfellow, Apr 01 2010]

Dual Purpose Accelerator Tunnel Dual_20Purpose_20Accelerator_20Tunnel
Another related idea [Wrongfellow, Apr 07 2010]


       I would just like to say I am not smart enough to comment on this idea.
Chefboyrbored, Nov 09 2006

       Why not turn it into a commuter collider? You could try to discover new types of people particles by re-routing the tracks.
wylie_coyote, Nov 09 2006

       Is it really circluar? I mean, to within a reasonable tolerance.
Texticle, Nov 09 2006

DrCurry, Nov 09 2006

       Great, this would mean delays due to the wrong kind of particle on the line.
oneoffdave, Nov 09 2006

       "Is it really circluar?"
Does it need to be?
phoenix, Sep 10 2008

       Glasgow underground would work better because it's closer to being circular (and is in Glasgow and therefore inherently superior to anything in London anyway).   

       However, i like the idea and i wonder if it could be combined. You'd have evacuated tubes, so less drag, and maglev which could accelerate the trains beyond the speed of sound at sea level.
nineteenthly, Sep 10 2008

       why would a sensible person think that the world needs more than one LHC? this is science, this is collaboration, this isn't a matter of national pride or something where duplication will serve any purpose. Once the thing gets working the conclusion may be that the collider will serve best as an underground bike trail. On they other hand it may turn into a font of new observations. Ether way, we don't need another one.
WcW, Apr 02 2010

       //why would a sensible person think...//   

       err... Hello!? What's sense got to do with anything?
Jinbish, Apr 02 2010

       //underground bike trail// Now this is worth posting as an idea of its own. Replce the 'down' escalators with ramps, replace the 'up' escalators with ski-lifts
pocmloc, Apr 02 2010

       Perhaps not the London Circle, which isn't really a circle (and yes, it does need to be, to within a zillionth of an inch).   

       But perhaps when the time comes to build the Even Larger Hadron Collider, it could go underneath a city or group of cities which are not as yet blessed with underground rail. From the photos I've seen, the LHC requires a fairly large maintenance access tunnel alongside itself. If you're going to dig such an enormous bore (sorry), it makes sense, somewhat, to pool resources with another enormous bore.   

       The track wouldn't even need to run the full circle, if the transport needs dictate - it could just run alongside (above, under) the particle accelerator where it's needed.
BunsenHoneydew, Apr 07 2010

       That was suggested recently - see link.
Wrongfellow, Apr 07 2010


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