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Abolish oceans

Proven to be redundant
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The Pacific ocean. The Atlantic ocean. The Indian ocean. The Arctic ocean ... and on and on.

Thing is, they're all linked together, even the Mediterranean sea and the Black sea. You can go by boat from one to another without ever getting your feet dry.

They're all the same.

So, apart from genuinely isolated bodies of water, of which there are very few, abolish all titles and henceforward just refer to "The sea".

8th of 7, Feb 15 2018

At least two distinct https://youtu.be/SWRqfWo4hZ8
[pashute, Feb 18 2018]

Invented by someone French. https://www.youtube...watch?v=fztkUuunI7g
[MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 19 2018]


       Good god, [8th], have you completely taken leave of what little sense you have? Did you really not think this through? Were you perhaps distracted by a passing squirrel? Have you recently suffered a blow to the head? Are you, even now, under the influence of some sort of intoxicant or narcotic agent?   

       If all the major bodies of water are interconnected, then it is obvious to any dolt that they are all The Thames, dammit.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 15 2018

       //genuinely isolated bodies of water, of which there are very few//   

       An organised program of canal-building should be able to finish off the stragglers.
Wrongfellow, Feb 15 2018

       I wouldn't worry too much. Eventually the world's oceans will all end up inside the trillions of plastic bottles people keep dumping in them.
xenzag, Feb 15 2018

       Clearly we should eliminate Europe as well, and the Straits of Magellan, which are anything but straight.
RayfordSteele, Feb 15 2018

       Europe clearly doesn't exist. And yes, there's just one World Ocean.
nineteenthly, Feb 16 2018

       Aren't all bodies of water connected by the upper humidity ocean, with it's turbulence and cycles, the unseen sea? So another scientific culturally accepted word would be good.
wjt, Feb 16 2018

       //upper humidity ocean//
calum, Feb 16 2018

       Likewise, all land masses are connected (although there are some where you'll get your feet wet going from one to another)
hippo, Feb 16 2018

       "It's like, you know, everything is connected, man, so I just like to go with the flow, like my lava lamp does..."
RayfordSteele, Feb 16 2018

       How about "Wavy McWaveface"?
doctorremulac3, Feb 17 2018

       //henceforward just refer to "The sea".// poetic. Has somebody assimilated the Borg ?
FlyingToaster, Feb 17 2018

       We'd like to see them try.   

       // just serial numbers //   

       We like the way you think, young hobbit.
8th of 7, Feb 17 2018

       //religious fuckwit idiots commenting// In whom did you have mind, [Ian]?
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 18 2018

       Maybe we could create a worldwide distributed computer collective and model the Klein bottle like Wavy McWaveface with all it's beautiful perturbations, ethereal flows and glassy crystalline solid bits. A mind as big as the Borg's might get lost in this ever changing dynamic number complex just as a cat in cat nip. Of course, the safe word would be 'seewater'.
wjt, Feb 18 2018

Q: Which ocean does the western end of the Panama Canal meet?
A: The Atlantic Ocean
hippo, Feb 19 2018

       // The Atlantic Ocean //   

       BZZZZZT ! No, you twit, it's just "The Ocean", THEY ARE ALL JOINED UP, WHY CAN'T YOU GRASP THIS, YOU MORONS ?   

       Just go up into low planetary orbit and look "down". It's not that hard. The big blue and white thing filling your field of vision. The blue stuff goes all round ... all the same stuff ... even under some of the white bits ...   

       There's Lake Baikal, and the Aral Sea (what's left of it) and Lake Titicaca and that's about it. And the US/Canadian "Great Lakes", perhaps ...   

       You can sail from Yokohama to Sevastopol, providing you can dodge the patrol boats in the Black Sea ... and you have enough tinned and dried food. No locks, no canals, no aqueducts. ALL THE SAME ...   

       <wanders off, muttering>
8th of 7, Feb 19 2018

       Crater lake. And those blue hole caves.
RayfordSteele, Feb 19 2018

       I would like to propose that we should abolish all road numbers.   

       After all, they're all joined together, so we can simply refer to them all as "the road".   

       I don't envisage this change resulting in any navigational difficulties at all.
Wrongfellow, Feb 20 2018

       All places are indeed one place, but that place is very large. </otpr>
pertinax, Feb 20 2018

       //then it is obvious to any dolt that they are all The Thames, dammit.//   

       Which means everyone's been fishing & drilling in our territorial waters, this just won't do, we must press our territorial claims immediately.. or at least charge some rent or something.
Skewed, Feb 20 2018

       //You can sail from Yokohama to Sevastopol, providing you can dodge the patrol boats in the Black Sea ... and you have enough tinned and dried food. No locks, no canals, no aqueducts. ALL THE SAME ...//   

       If you stand one metre south of the southernmost extent of the main Buchanan estate, and then travel two metres north from there, you will quickly (though briefly) appreciate the significance of boundaries.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 20 2018

       Oh, so that's why you paid out for all those dodgy Warsaw Pact landmines.   

       // we must press our territorial claims immediately.. or at least charge some rent or something. //   

       Build a wall. That seems to be popular. All right, in water it's technically a dam, but the principle's the same.   

       Maybe you can get the Mexican government to pay for it ?
8th of 7, Feb 20 2018

       //Which means everyone's been fishing & drilling in our territorial waters, this just won't do, we must press our territorial claims immediately..//   

       Absolutely that man! However, given the current state of the Royal Navy, we'd be prudent not to throw our weight about too much. Once upon a time, we might have been able to rise to the challenge of 20 trawlers full of grizzled Icelanders, but these days we have to reign out ambitions in a little. We can all look forward to a glorious future when the F35 will terrify all within a 1100 yard combat radius. Until 2031 however, we must only consider enemies that may be effectively suppressed by throwing canned soup, quite hard, out of the few remaining Sea Kings.
bs0u0155, Feb 20 2018

       Until you've actually tasted the so-called "canned soup" served to H.M. forces, you shouldn't be quite so blasé about making fun of that particular threat.   

       It's pretty scary. In fact, it's downright terrifying. Although being hit quite hard by big lumps of stuff unexpectedly falling off Sea Kings is rather more likely.
8th of 7, Feb 20 2018

       Really? I always thought the 24 hour ration packs we got in the TA were quite decent, of course my standards have often veered in favor of things other than traditional "quality" (especially near the end of a two day exercise in wet weather).. the coffee was always pretty unspeakable though, even with 10 sugars.
Skewed, Feb 20 2018

       That's because it wasn't actually coffee. It was supplementary activated carbon for the NBC mask filters, repurposed as a way of temporarily pacifying miserable, cold, resentful squaddies.   

       The junior officers got the same shit. You had to make Major or better to get actual coffee. Bastards.   

       But some of the stuff was OK.   

       It was neat the way the boxes were printed with the S.A. targets. It suggested you'd be better off shooting the box than eating the contents ...
8th of 7, Feb 20 2018


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