This type of drone would chiefly be designed to be small
and inexpensive to allow mass deployment. It would also
be as hard to see as possible. Its payload would be a
computer and a speaker. Optionally it could be designed
land, eject from the rotor assembly, and move itself
feet in any direction. The computer would run a
program to do the following:
-Listen to nearby voices.
-Build a voice profile for the most commonly heard
-Select the closest voice to that profile from a stored list
voice samples.
-Play sound samples appropriate for spreading confusion.
a naval atmosphere this would include things like "man
overboard!", "close that hatch!", standard shipboard
noises, the sound of a leaky pipe, "fire!" and "We're in
condition 3 yellow".
Alternatively they could simply play loud noises, insults,
and intermittent beeps.
If enough of them are spread widely enough and hard
enough to see it will significantly degrade the
of the unit under attack until they take the time to
them one at a time. It can be used without ever quite
constituting firing the first shot of a battle.