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A Cool, Dry Place

Air-conditioned medicine cabinet
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Desiccant free.
Shz, Dec 14 2004

A Cool, Dry Place http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120642/
These critics didn't particulary like the idea either. I like Vince Vaughn's work and thought it was marginally better than they credited. [jurist, Dec 15 2004]

(?) A Clean, Well-Lighted Place http://www.turkshea...y-cleanlighted.html
1500 words by Ernest Hemingway [jurist, Dec 15 2004, last modified Oct 28 2005]


       I thought it was going to be a funky lounge club in Salt Lake City.
not_only_but_also, Dec 15 2004

       [marked-for-deletion] air conditioned, temperature controlled boxes are widely known to exist.
neilp, Dec 15 2004

       Temperature controlled medecine cabinets exist in hospital and pharmacological settings but I'm not aware of a general consumer medicine cabinet like this.
bristolz, Dec 15 2004

       Do any reasonably-priced temperature-controlled cabinets exist that provide both dehumidification and ventilation? Such a thing would seem to be 'the ticket' for storing acetate home movies.
supercat, Dec 15 2004

       would a humidor do the trick ?
neilp, Dec 15 2004

       I don't get this, I wanna, but I don't.
blissmiss, Dec 15 2004

       A grocery strore in a cool dry place. Dessicant is $2.95 - aisle seven.
benfrost, Dec 15 2004

       "A Cool, Dry Place" was a movie that starred Vince Vaughn. [link]   

       This idea might have fared better had it hewn closer to the Hemingway-esque. It could have riffed on Hemingway's service in the Ambulance Corps, his obsession with trauma, and finally the short story "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. [second link] Instead, it left me longing for bull fights, clean gauze, pretty nurses, and, perhaps, a glass of Spanish brandy.
jurist, Dec 15 2004

       I have purchased a few books at "A Clean, Well Lighted Place for Books" in Larkspur Landing back when I used to find myself frequently in Marin.
bristolz, Dec 15 2004

       'A cool, dry place.' is what the storage instructions say on the back of pills (and for that matter peanuts, cornflakes etc) Sometimes widely known to exist as a refrigerator (or fridge in the UK) which is, essentially an air-conditioned cabinet of sorts for the storage of things in a cool, unmoist manner. With that in mind I second [nelip]'s[murked-for-dilation]   

       Though, on seeing the category, the bathroom is not normally the place where you'd find a fridge, and a mini one for storing medicines might be a decent - and original idea. With that in my I edit my [mfd] [+]
zen_tom, Dec 15 2004

       I like this. 'Store in a cool, dry place.' _Everything_ needs storing in a cool dry place, except those things that need to be stored in a refrigerator and consumed within three days of opening. It would need to have the words 'A Cool Dry Place' on the door in big neon letters (hitchhikers' guide-stylee). And you could relax without the constant worry of wondering whether the place you put the parsnips was cool and dry enough.   

       The original cool dry place was the pantry, of course. When I build my dream home, it will have a large pantry, and I will put the words 'A cool, dry place' on the door in big letters.   

       I will also have feasts every three days after shopping.
moomintroll, Dec 15 2004

       Yes, cold boxes are widely known to exist, but with the shameful state of the medical industry in the United States, I can see such a nonsensical cabinet mini-fridge fetching an enormous amount of money once it's labeled as a medical appliance. Just this morning I noticed how over-built my bottle of Zyrtec is. It's made of HDPE and is probably thick enough to support the weight of a car tire.
kevinthenerd, Feb 27 2012

       //A Cool, Dry Place//   

       The Comedy Cellar?
Ling, Feb 28 2012

       No, they serve drinks there.
mouseposture, Feb 28 2012

       On the ridiculous cost of medical paraphenalia:   

       Many physcians, veterinarians, paramedics, and savvy first- aid experts such as [The Alterother] use common CA glue to close small lacerations in the skin rather than insert a small number of sutures or staples. The physicians and paramedics, however, are required to use 'medical grade' CA glue that contains blue dye to indicate that it is 'sterile'. This medical grade glue costs over $20 dollars for a tube the same size as those sold at Home Depot and craft stores for 97¢.   

       Firstly, since CA instantly absorbs and expends any moisture in its environs and thus is utterly inimical to microbial life, how the _hell_ does one go about sterilizing it, and second, why?   

       More pertinent to the idea: similarly to low-hydrogen welding electrodes that must be stored in a warm, dry place, leading to the development of the 'rod oven', there are other types of rod that require long-term storage in cool, dry places, and chilled dryboxes are available for this purpose at very reasonable prices.
Alterother, Feb 28 2012

       //[many people] use common CA glue to close small lacerations in the skin ... paramedics, however, are required to use 'medical grade' CA glue that contains blue dye to indicate that it is 'sterile'. This medical grade glue costs [20 times more]. Firstly, since CA instantly absorbs and expends any moisture in its environs and thus is utterly inimical to microbial life, how the _hell_ does one go about sterilizing it, and second, why?//   

       The Wikipedia article on cyanoacrylate states that medical glue is a different compound developed to be non-toxic and less irritating to skin tissue.   

       However, that probably doesn't explain all (or even most) the difference in price. I would expect the bulk of it to be down to it being a smaller, non-commoditised market, so the manufacturers will have a larger mark-up.
Loris, Feb 28 2012

       Sterilization is a non-trivial process, and between the manufacturing requirements, the actual sterilization process, the post sterilization handling, and the extra packaging, the cost likely does increase a few dollars. It probably is a slightly different compound, so yes that probably adds to the cost. Likewise, the lower volume requirements for the medical grade, the R&D (even if it is the exact same compound, the testing and purity requirements are much higher), and the additional documentation required for medical grade products are all going to add to the cost.   

       That being said, of course the markup is going to be higher on a medical material.
MechE, Feb 28 2012

       Don't only consider the cost per unit; consider the fixed cost as well. Somebody has to spend a lot of money producing documentation that the product is safe, including things like purity, sterilization, and supply-chain continuity that may differ between two manufacturers for the same product. They have to do that because, sooner or later, that documentation is going to be evidence in court (or else documentation that some regulatory body reviewed and approved the original documentation). The cost of producing this documentation is then spread over the income from selling the product. Unless volume of sales is very high, cyanoacrylate with that documentation will be costlier than the same molecule without it. Alternatively, you can use Krazy Glue, and pay higher malpractice insurance premiums (actually, that'll probably only work if you self-insure).
mouseposture, Feb 28 2012

       //it probably is a slightly different compound// As it happens, it is:   

       "Cyanoacrylate is the generic name for cyanoacrylate based fast-acting adhesives such as methyl 2-cyanoacrylate, ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate (commonly sold under trade names like Super Glue and Krazy Glue), and n-butyl cyanoacrylate (used in veterinary and skin glues). The related compound 2-octyl cyanoacrylate is a medical grade glue; it was developed to be non-toxic and less irritating to skin tissue."   

spidermother, Feb 28 2012

       Wikipedia aside, none of the veterinarians I know use medical glue, nor are they bound by any regulation (at least in Maine) to do so. I was unaware that medical CA had a different formula, probably because of the above statement. They use Krazy Glue, as do I. It doesn't sting.
Alterother, Feb 29 2012

       I'm not really disagreeing with you, [Alterother]; it was always my understanding that ordinary super/supa/krazy glue is perfectly safe and effective for medical use, but possibly stings a little more. I'm guessing it's to do with molecular size, much as isopropanol stings less than ethanol.   

       The reaction might depend on the individual. I've used ordinary cyanoacrylate on my own cuts, and it sometimes does sting momentarily.
spidermother, Feb 29 2012

       Many gas stations, fast food joints, and other small businesses have a bit of land that a full shipping container or 1/2 container could rest on.   

       The container would be modified to hold say 50 lockable medicine cabinets. like you took part of a Public Storage business and shrank the spaces 80%.   

       Solar powered backup air conditioning to keep it cool and dry, even if the local power fails.   

       ( My guess is that The police would soon have it staked out as a place where drugs where bought and sold. )
popbottle, Feb 08 2017


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